"Is there a problem?" He asks, noticing the smirk False is trying to hide on her face as Xisuma stands up.

"Cub, my king, there is a problem, Mumbo and nine of his men descended down the wall and escaped my men, currently no one knows where they are but i promise they will be found soon." He says with a scared look on his face," Not sure of how Cub will punish him for letting them escape.

"Not too surprising, see that he is found fast, and his men executed, and for the other three, where are they?" Cub asks slightly annoyed, knowing that they will have somehow found a way to escape him.

"That's also a problem, the men we sent for the dwarvern king were found dead, along with the men we sent for Keralis, one of the builders said the three of them escaped down the sewers, they are most likely down there right now." He sits down quickly as he sees Cub try to maintain a calm expression and nearly failing.

"Verywell, see to it that they are found. In the meantime, we have much to discuss, False i want you to make sure that our guests from across the seas are welcomed into the kingdom and treated kindly, they will be a valuable asset for the battles to come." Cub commands as his smirk grows, feeling the power he now has.

"And for you, Xisuma, i want your men guarding the walls, and most importantly, i want you guarding me at all times, alongside Wels, if that project is going according to plan." He looks over to Doc, who quickly stands to reply.

"Of course, yes, my king, it has been many years since i have done this, but i have perfected it in that time, the Wels you knew is no more, and soon the Wels you will know will be nothing but a sword for you to use as you please." Doc answers with a sense of excitement in him.

"Good, it seems everything is going according to plan, and remember False, betray me, and you'll end up like the rest of your men." Cub laughs before shooing them away.

False walks out of the room quickly, looking down to see heads mounted on spikes along the streets, the doing of the civilians who had risen up with Cub to take the throne, they are almost like animals, her mens heads rotting and being eaten by flies on those spikes.

Doc walks back to his area of work, the smell of death flooding over him as he looks over at Wels, who is sprawled across a large table, a sealed up cut in his neck while his lifeless eyes look up to the roof above.

"Hello friend, you'll be back soon enough, don't you worry." He says with a smile while pulling out a long and thin tube from a cupboard.

He picks up a small dagger, which is planted next to Wels' body and cuts a hole in his arm big enough to insert the tube into.

"There you go, see you soon." He says, picking up a bottle and shaking it before pouring its contents down the tube, watching a green liquid flow into the decaying body in front of him.

Gem looks down at the arena where she was forced to kill her friend, still seeing the bloodstains on the sand where she died. This war was for her and BigB, and now they are both dead.

"Do you think it's safe up here?" Tango asks, walking up beside her, seeing the tears in her eyes as she turns to look at him.

"I don't, because it isn't. This is the most dangerous place i could be, yet im here anyway, i need to warn my king of what happened here and who started this entire war." She says with a frown on her face as she tries to pass Tango, an arm blocking her.

"You can warn him with a raven. It's faster, and at least you won't die on the way there." He says, pulling his arm away as she looks at him frustrated.

"I'm not going to die in this city. I just escaped it." she says, causing him to laugh a little. "What's so funny?" she scoffs.

"Me and Etho, we were exiled from this city, yet we come back more often than not. This city has a sort of attraction like no other. In its time, armies have come here and died, and kings have come here and ruled like no other, and every single one of them have gone mad with power, yet we all come back, and we all die because of or for the man who sits on the throne here, its up to you if you leave and cause the death of many more or stay and fight for the people of this world. It's up to you." Tango says with a smile on his face, walking past her as she looks back at him.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Where stories live. Discover now