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"Right and you have to be honest about what you smell." Said Ginny.

Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Neville and Seamus were all sitting in a circle around a cauldron. They were playing a game which involved smelling a cauldron full of Amortentia.

"Right, I'll start. I smell...broom polish, roses, melting chocolate and some sort I think." Said Ginny. "Neville, you next."

Neville took a deep breath in. "I smell grass, greenhouses and the ocean, I think..."

"Hope you're not smelling Professor Sprout." Winked George.

"I've got a whiff of cognac or rum maybe and smoke." Said Seamus with a smile.

Ron was next. "I smell cooking bacon, gravy and butterbeer."

"Oh of course yours are all food orientated." Said Ginny, rolling her eyes.

"I smell daisies, men's cologne, roses and a sort of...summery smell." Said lavender.

"Wouldn't roses and daisies smell the same?" Asked Ron. Lavender shot him a look. "Sorry."he said.

"I can smell...broom polish, that grassy smell from the quidditch pitch and lilies." Smiled Harry. "George?"

"Gunpowder - that'll be you I'm smelling, Freddie." He said "sort of leathery smell, maybe the quaffle and our room."

"Hmm I've got Gunpowder too, Georgie, eerrr mint and a sort of strawberry smell, a bit like a scent of maybe soap or shampoo." Said Fred.

"Oooh sounds like Fred has feminine taste in shampoo or he likes someone." Giggled Lavender.

"Oooh Fred who do you luuurrrrve?" Teased Ginny. Fred just pulled a face at her.

They heard footsteps approaching. Hermione approached them with a toothbrush and mint flavoured toothpaste in her hand.

"Ginny have you had my shampoo? You know, the strawberry one in the pink bottle." She called down the stairs.

"No I haven't, Hermione." She grinned, looking at Fred. "Hmmm has anybody seen a bottle of strawberry scented shampoo anywhere?" Asked Ginny, loudly.

"As a matter of fact, Ginny no we haven't." Smiled Harry."What about you, Fred? Have you seen any strawberry scented shampoo lying around?"

"No I have not seen any....strawberry scented shampoo anywhere." Fred said, through his teeth, avoiding eye contact with Hermione.

", thanks anyway, Fred." She said, softly.

All the Gryffindors grinned apart from Fred who had turned a sort of crimson colour and George who could tell that Fred was getting uncomfortable, so he shot him a comforting glance that said he was sorry.

"God have you been letting off a fireworks show or something? It absolutely reeks of gunpowder in here!" She said. George nudged him which caught Hermione's eye. Fred elbowed George and he elbowed him back. She gave them a look, shook her head at the pair of them and went back upstairs.

All the others in the group exchanged glances and sniggered. They all looked at Fred."Told you." George whispered. Fred rolled his eyes and glared at his twin.

Ginny wiggled her eyebrows at Fred. She sang "Fred and Hermione sitting in a tree" under her breath.

"Hah! Nope! No not in a million years, not if you paid me!" Said Fred to everyone.

"Sure." Said Ron.

"Look, loads of girls probably use that shampoo." Fred said, dismissively.

"Well I don't." Shrugged lavender.

Really, I'm Yours - Fremione One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now