Away (part 2)

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She showed him around the house, trying to explain what all the muggle objects and appliances did. He wasn't able to concentrate properly all the time, he was just focussed on her.

"Is it alright if you sleep in the spare room? It's just I know my parents' bed is free and that bed is a lot nicer but it sort of feels...weird them not being here but the bed being slept in. Or you can have mine and I'll take the spare because the spare bed is sort of uncomfortable to sleep on sometimes and I don't want you to...." She babbled.

"I'm happy with the spare." He said, interrupting her.

"Right, okay, only if you're sure." She said.

She had a large double bed in a light pink bedroom with fairy lights around the room. It was very tidy as Fred had imagined and full of books.

The spare room wasn't hugely luxurious but it was nice enough. It had a single bed with dark green walls and a small wooden bedside table.

"Sorry it's a little small." Hermione said sheepishly.

"It's perfect." He winked. He put his bag down next to the bed.

"What do you want for dinner?" She asked. "I'll have to go out and buy some food, there's nothing in the cupboards." She said.

"Oh um...I'm not sure." He said.

"Oh I can introduce you to the muggle world." She smiled.

They went to a small supermarket not far from Hermione's house.

"Don't you just have wizard money?" He asked, confused.

"I've got some muggle money on my credit card." She said.

"Your what?" He asked.

She laughed and shook her head. "You'll see."

They picked up some groceries. Fred looked around in wonder at everything. Hermione kept giggling, especially when he saw the conveyor belts.

When it was time to pay, they went to the self service checkout. Hermione scanned through the items. Fred jumped when it said

"Please place your item in the bagging area."

"But it's in the bagging area." He said to the machine.

"Sometimes you have to take it out and put it back on again." Hermione said, doing so.

Then, she let Fred use the card.

"Okay so you see that gold rectangle? Put that card in that way up." She said, nudging his hand. He shakily put the card into the slot."Right, now press the numbers 5734."

"Okay five. Seven. Three."

"Shhh!" She said. Nobody is meant to know your PIN number."

"Oh sorry." Whispered Fred.

"Then press the green button." She said. "Now take the card out."

"Thank you for shopping at Tesco."

"You're welcome." Said Fred. He carried the bag full of food and the walked back.

"I didn't know machines talked in the muggle world." He said. Hermione laughed. "Hey, it's not funny!" He said, pretending to be upset.

"They don't, it's a recorded voice." She said.

"A what?" He asked. She laughed again.

"Will you stop laughing at me?" He said, shoving her gently.

"I thought you liked my laugh, you said so." She teased.

"Yeah I love your laugh but not when it's at me." He said. "It's not funny."

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