Letters from Fred

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Hermione knocked on the door of the twins' bedroom. George was sat on Fred's old bed with tears in his eyes.

Hermione sat down next to him.

"Hey, I'm not going to ask how you're doing but I just wanted to see if you need anything." She said.

George stayed silent. He hugged Hermione.

"You made him really happy, Hermione. Thank you." George whispered.

"He made everyone happy." She said. "I didn't think he really liked me that much."

"There's something that he wants you to.." George's voice broke slightly. "Sorry... he would've wanted you to have. He told me to never show this to you, but given the circumstances, I think he'd change his mind." George pulled a box out from under Fred's bed and gave it to Hermione."He never stopped talking about you, right up until he..." George's voice wavered.

"Oh George." Hermione said, rubbing his back.

"I'll give you a moment to read them on your own." He said, leaving the room and closing the door.

She opened the box to find it was full of letters. They all had dates on, so she ordered them accordingly and started reading.

Dear Hermione,

George keeps telling me to talk to you in person. Truth is, I get too nervous when you're around, so he told me to write it all down instead, so letters will have to do for now. I hope one day I will be brave enough to give you these.

Truth is, Granger, I get butterflies when I see you, even in my thoughts and dreams. I hate what you're doing to my brain, but I love it at the same time. You confuse me a lot.



Dear Hermione,

I visited you in the hospital wing again today. I can't stand the thought of you lying there unable to move. I don't even know if you'll remember my visits when you wake up. If I could switch places with you, I would. I know it'll be a lot harder to save everyone without you there. I can't wait for you to wake up.



Dear Hermione,

You laughed out loud while reading a book today. What a loser you are. If there is such a thing as a funny book, maybe I could read one too. In all honesty, wouldn't mind reading if it meant spending time with you.

Maybe I'll try it sometime. It'll give me an excuse to talk to you.

Yours, Fred


Dear Hermione,

I tried reading that awful Hogwarts History book you love so much. How can you find such things entertaining? I should introduce you to pranking, it's much more fun. But sometimes, I think opposites attract and that's a good thing. Maybe you could teach me to take things a little more seriously (only a bit though) and I could teach you to lighten up a bit.

I wouldn't read that book again if you paid me though. I'm sure I'll find other excuses to talk to you.

Yours, Fred


Dear Hermione,

Heard a rumour today that you punched Malfoy. That's made me even more fond of you. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. I've been wanting to deck that git for years, especially for the way he treats you.

Really, I'm Yours - Fremione One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now