Soul Spell IV

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Fred woke to a note next to his pillow.

Dear Fred,

Thank you for being my carer. You did a brilliant job because I feel so much brighter and better. For reasons I can't disclose, I need to leave. I would've woken you up but you looked so peaceful and it would've been too difficult to say goodbye to you. I realise how bad this looks after the special night we had together and I'll always be grateful to you for looking after me and letting me share last night with you.

I didn't leave because I don't care in fact I left because I care. Please don't be angry with me, please know I do have a good reason to go but I just can't talk about it.

Thanks for everything

- Hermione

Fred re read the note again. He felt a mixture of emotions. Sadness, confusion, shock, even anger but not at her, at himself. He began to tear up. He didn't want her to go away, he wanted to stay with her and cherish her and listen to all her problems, but then the thought of her and smiled.

He sighed. He went out into the living room where George was sitting. He sighed.

"Do you know where she is?" Fred asked George.

George simply shook his head.

"You alright?" He said.

"Yeah, yeah it's just a bit...sudden." I wish I Could've said goodbye properly, y'know?" Fred said sadly but then he smiled.

"Hey you know that girl, Amber?" George asked.

"The one that always comes into the shop?" Said Fred. "And asks for me?"

"Yeah, why don't you ask her out? Take your mind off Granger?"

"Yeah maybe. I don't know if I'd be okay with it."

"Why?" Asked George.

"I dunno, I just thought me and her were getting somewhere. I was starting to really like her and I was starting to think she liked me back but...then she goes and does this." Fred said. "I'm really confused because I felt sad and angry and heartbroken when I discovered she was gone and then I felt okay and the feelings were gone like a dream."

"Do you still have feelings for her? Are those gone?"

"No it's like when I started crushing on her at hogwarts. It feels like that, it's just a crush, nothing more, I'll get over it."

George sighed at the thought of Hermione and the pain she must be in now. He knew she was staying at the burrow. "You sure Freddie?" He asked.


"So you'll go on this date with Amber then? If it's as little as you say." George said with The his eyebrows raised.


"Good because I told her you'd meet her outside the shop and take her for a drink at 9."

"You what?" He asked.

"You're welcome, Freddie." George smiled

He knew that there were two outcomes to this. Outcome number one: his brother would forget about Hermione and focus on Amber. Outcome number two: he would realise that he was in fact, in love with Hermione.

Really, I'm Yours - Fremione One ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora