Author's Note

306 24 16

Hi hi - 

I'm not even sure how many of you will read this, but I feel the need to kind of give the WP community a chance before I make an impulsive decision (perhaps, not for the first time, lol). 

The first time I wrote Grey, I was a busy college student that felt extremely passionate about a story that miraculously garnered a lot of attention and engagement. This time around, I'm just as passionate about the story, but I have a full-time job. The time I'm dedicating to writing this story is substantial -- and feels a bit more tiresome when I have even less free time than before. 

I'm not a stranger to critique and am very open to it. That said, critique would probably feel better than the lack of a response I'm receiving on most chapters. I understand that commenting may feel like more of a chore (that said, seeing what you guys are thinking in real-time is truly SO appreciated), but voting takes a matter of milliseconds. I know when I love something and appreciate it, I try and show that to the "artist" -- it's starting to feel like maybe I'm on the wrong platform. 

I'm considering moving the story off platform, somewhere that maybe lends itself to more success, or more engagement. That said, that is likely going to end up being a paid model. I truly am opening the floor, if you guys feel differently, PLEASE let me know. Please comment, please vote. I put my heart and soul into this story and it means so much to me, but it's starting to feel like too much when the response is truly next to nothing. 

Hope you all have a lovely week xxx


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