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It was getting dark, the sun setting behind the trees in Finn's backyard. While I wouldn't be able to see my notebook much longer, I couldn't bring myself to go back inside - enjoying the warm breeze that had arrived with summer. While most would call me old school, there was something wildly relaxing about doing story research and taking notes by hand.

Stella Hart's first album, Hart, was blaring in my headphones. The grass was itchy against the backs of my legs as I sat criss-cross, staring up at the cloud-free sky. I bobbed my head along to track 4, pleasantly surprised by just how much I was enjoying her style. I made a mental note to once again thank Christopher, given that he'd not only helped me professionally - but personally. I would absolutely be listening to her stuff in my free time, too.

Unknowingly, I went to take a sip of my wine at the worst possible moment. Just as the chilled liquid hit my lips, cold fingers touched my shoulders. I nearly jumped out of my skin as the glass clinked against my teeth and Sauvignon Blanc showered the front of me.

"Ah, shit! Sorry, I didn't realize you were zoning."

"Jesus," I muttered. I glanced over my shoulder, thankful to see a sheepish Finn. "I thought I was experiencing my final moments."

"Hopefully listening to something good?" He rounded me, offering his hand. I accepted, letting him pull me up. He wasted no time, pressing his lips against mine. I exhaled out of my nose, feeling shameless relief to have him close again. He gently took my phone out of my hand, glancing down to see what I had on. "Oh, I've heard of her."

"I think you'd be so into her stuff, she's cool," I hummed, a kiss to my cheek fueling my existing smile. I bent down to pick up my stuff. "She's so young, too. I have a few songs I want to show you."


"Sure," I laughed, airing out my shirt. "But we don't have to be at my dad's until-"

Additional voices caught my attention. I looked over towards the backdoor, smirking as Jack, Pete and Ace made their way out.

"Ronnnnn," Jack mused, smiling and making a beeline towards me. The random term of endearment had replaced my actual name at the onset of Finn and I's official relationship, an attempt at combining both of our names. It didn't make any sense but the guys had taken a fast liking to it. "Wet t-shirt contest, I see."

"Bugger off," Finn grumbled at Jack from behind me as he wrapped me in a tight hug. "See you helped yourself to the fridge, mate. That's our last beer."

"Tu casa es mi casa, as they say," Jack responded to Finn over my shoulder, letting me go before swigging from the Guinness. Ace and Pete said their hello's, giving me hugs. "Ronaldo, what's your problem with Jonesy?"

"Jack, come off it," Finn groaned from beside me.

I looked at Jack curiously. "Who?"

"You know, Jonesy. Ms Dylan Jones."

"Oh, we're on nickname basis already?" I forced out a laugh, looking to my side at Finn. He gave me a hesitant smile, shrugging. "So the meeting went well?"

"She's cool, you'll like her," Pete nodded, lighting a cigarette. He took a drag, running his free hand back through his hair. "Got good energy, that one."

"I never said I didn't like her," I offered up carefully, glancing over at Finn who was avoiding eye contact. I watched as he kicked at a pebble on the ground, unsure if he was intentionally trying to appear disinterested. "I just don't know her. Just like you guys don't know her."

"Finnegan here just mentioned you had your panties in a bunch over it and no need to, my dear," Jack threw his arm over my shoulders, his words striking a chord. "Your boys are looked after, we'll be good. Smooth sailing."

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