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"Shit. Shit, shit, shit."

The red emergency light on the dash hadn't been a good sign but I'd been hopeful I could at least make it to Finn's. Unfortunately, the universe had other plans as my Jeep sputtered to a complete stop on the side of the road.


I wasn't even a mile from the office, both a blessing and a curse that it happened on the desolate stretch of road nearby. I pulled out my phone, cursing again as I saw I had absolutely no service. Popping open my driver's door, I stepped out, looking down the road. It was getting dark and frankly, as a woman, it wasn't exactly ideal to have to walk the 20 or so minutes back to the office.

I wasn't sure if I was thankful or terrified when I saw headlights heading my way, chewing my lip. The car slowed and as it neared, I felt a breath of relief.

"Thorn. I think the correct gesture is..." Christopher rolled down his window, holding his thumb up with a smirk. "But a wave will do."

"Ha-ha," I rolled my eyes, smiling and walking over. It had only been a few days working together, but he was easy to talk to. I leaned in his passenger side window, pointing behind me. "Seems as though she wanted to take a little nap and unfortunately, I have no cell service."

He shifted in his seat, digging in his back pocket before handing me his phone. I thanked him, stepping away as I dialed Finn's number and held it up to my ear. It rang, and rang, and rang, and rang, and just as I was losing hope, he answered.

"Hey?" The confusion was prevalent, an edge of concern in his tone. "Mr. Bradley, been a bit. All good, man?"

"Hey, it's me."

I caught Finn up and he thankfully took the lead, assuring me he'd be right over and could handle calling a towing service. I walked back over to Christopher's Tesla, handing his phone back.

"Thanks for saving the day. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'm all for a progressive society and what have you, but I'm not going to leave a woman stranded at night on the side of the road," he chuckled, putting his car in reverse.

I watched as he pulled up behind my car, putting his own in park and hopping out. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, the bottom of his signature flared black slacks dragging in the dirt as he walked over.

"This is humbling." I smirked, back against the closed driver door. Christopher mirrored my position, leaning his shoulder against the back door. "We started the week with me verbally assaulting you and now you have to rescue me."

"I don't have to do anything," he smiled easily. "Maybe this little detour is mutually beneficial."

I raised my eyebrows in question.

"I've been forced into a double date that I'm less than thrilled about," he admitted. "But you know, if I don't show up because I was being a stand-up gent and helping a friend in need, I don't look as bad as if I just cancel."

"I guess I should be saying you're welcome then," I pointed out, earning a shrug. "At least you have plans you want to get out of. I'm going to Stella's showcase at the Grammy Museum tonight."

"That should be a good one," he nodded, crooked smirk slowly appearing. "My turn to say you're welcome."


"And just like that, your knight in shining Chelsea boots has arrived," he stood up, nodding his head past me.

I glanced over, heart habitually warming as I saw Finn's car nearing. He came to a stop across the narrow street, pulling over. I watched as he popped open his door, immediately swooning when I saw his appearance. He'd clearly dressed up for the occasion, wearing his nicer black skinnies, a white t-shirt and a polka dot black and white button up on top.

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