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"They're bellends, Finn. I can't fucking do this for the next month."

"Told you, mate. Couldn't pay me any amount of money," I laughed at Ace's predicament, sliding my sunglasses back into my hair. He, Pete and Jack had rented a place in LA to crash for the month and expectedly, it wasn't going well. "Barely been a week. I told you they're going to drive you mad."

"Well go on and extend my apologies to the lady in advance. I may need to crash at yours."

I drummed my fingers on the top of the steering wheel, eyeing the front door. The subtle reminder had me itching to get out of the car as I coughed into my hand, needing to end the call.

"Right I've got to run, I'll ring you tomorrow."

I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat, wasting as little time as possible as I locked up and headed inside. While in company I would probably tone down my behavior, I was home and didn't feel the need to hide my stupid grin as I slipped off my shoes, hearing The Vaccines drifting from the general direction of the master bath.

I followed the sound to the closed door, knocking once - though my selfish desires won out. I was too impatient to wait for an answer, barging in.

"Aurora Marie."

She smiled at me from the bathtub, bubbles inconveniently covering where my gaze would have eventually drifted. I eased down onto my knees, mirroring her expression as she leaned over the side of the tub to give me a kiss.

"Hi, you," she spoke softly, eyes trailing all over my face. I was thankful as she pressed her lips to mine once more. "I was wondering what you were doing out there. I heard you pull in forever ago."

"Playing therapist," I admitted, diving forward to catch her lips one more time. "Fairly certain we're going to be in the market for a new bassist if Ace stays with them any longer."

"You called that."

"I did."

I reached down, using two fingers to scoop out some of the bubbles before putting them on her nose. She laughed, the noise fueling the warmth in my chest as she swatted me off.

"You hate baths," I chuckled at the sheepish smile I was met with. "It's unbearably cute that you even fight it at this point."

"I want to like them. I like the idea of them," she trailed off, knowing we'd had the same conversation many a time. "I just had a long day."

"The longest day," I agreed, quickly pressing my lips to Rory's forehead before doing my knees a favor and spinning around. I sat with my legs crossed at the ankles, leaning back against the tub. I smiled to myself as Rory habitually began playing with my hair, shutting my eyes. "I quite like coming home to you. I could have the most shit day but if it ends like this, I'm golden."

"You're cute."

"I am."

I smirked, knowing she was rolling her eyes without turning around.

"How was your day, Fox?"

I hummed under my breath as she twirled my hair around her fingers, lulling me into a state of complete contentment. "Insanely busy. So many bloody meetings. The last one was tragic, I had nothing left to offer. Think I said two words."

"I feel like Dylan is overbooking you," she gently commented. "Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like Harrison was a little more hands off."

"Maybe so but I mean, busy is good. Innit?" I glanced over my shoulder, Rory shrugging. "Christ, I sound like my fucking dad. He always would say like, Finnegan, success comes to those too busy to look for it. Some shit like that."

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