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Dear Journal:
The Ninja and I save Ninjago... Again. By which I mean, the ninja saved everyone, and Zane saved us all. I'm apparently "still to young to fight." IM OLDER THEN LLOYD BY TWO AND A HALF YEARS! But I'll always be the younger sister. I kinda like that, but still.

It's been weeks since Zane sacrificed himself for us, and all of Ninjago.

It's been weeks since iv seen the others. I hung around the bounty with Lloyd for a few days, as you know, Then left. It hurts. I miss him as much as anyone else.

As I write I'm on my way back to join Lloyd and the other ninja for some test to do with the golden armour protection chamber. Long name, I know.

I'm slightly nervous at seeing everyone again. This will be the first time since the team broke up because of... Zane's sacrifice. I don't want to be reminded. I know no one blames me. But I can't help but feel if I hand have tried to help...

I stop walking and sigh. Placing my cold hand on my forehead, while muttering to myself. After a few seconds I keep walking.

I know I'll never be a ninja. I don't have the elemental power for it. Or the patience, according to... someone.

That's why Nya and I became Samurai. Then I got banned from inventing war suits for awhile. Only becoming unbanned when I promised to not use them... Then got rebanned when I broke that promise.

Seven times I went in this circle.


Dear Journal, I have come to the end of this entry, as I come to the building were I am to meet up with the ninja.
So long for now,

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