|34| The One Bed Dilemma

Start from the beginning

"I know what you are trying to do," He whispered.

"Is it working?"

"I am quite enjoying it," He murmured, leaning closer, "But I would have liked it more if it was your mouth instead of your hand."

Plan failed.

I shoved his shoulder, pushing him away. "You are annoying."

"And you are cranky and tired. Are we done stating the facts?"

"Ughh. Shut up. Just tell me, how are we going to adjust the sleeping arrangements for the next week."

"We will both sleep on the bed, as simple as that. Nobody has to make the big sacrifice," He stated casually.




"Yes. Yes, and Yes."

"No. No, and No."

"But what's the problem? We slept on the same bed that day. You know, when you were a wussy cat in the middle of the night after seeing that children's horror movie."

"A very very scary horror movie that was chosen by you!"

"And your point is?"

"My point is, that it was different."

"Different how, exactly? Please elaborate."

"It was..." I trailed, trying to put my anguish into words. He waited for me to continue with his arms crossed. "It was...an emergency! And we were both sleepy and barely conscious."

"Let's approach this in a different way. You do want to sleep on the couch?" He asked.


"And neither do I. So that just leaves us with the last option. Sharing the bed." He smirked at me, saying, "That is...unless you are afraid of not being able to control yourself."

"I can very well control myself," I humphed. "It's you, who I am worried about."

He sighed, "Look, I am tired. You are tired. And this winter cold is killing me despite the heater. And there's just a single comforter on this bed, which I am obviously not going to let you take away,"

I interrupted him before he could continue his speech. "Okay. Okay. Stop. We can sleep on our sides of the bed. Fine?"

"If you insist on it so much. I was rather thinking of cuddling together, you know, to share the body heat and all of that," He said, seriously.

I looked at him in disbelief. "That won't be happening. Ever." I took all the spare pillows from the couch and settled them in between us, creating a protective wall.

But then, by the morning, the wall was completely demolished. The traces were nowhere to be seen. And embarrassingly, it was me who had trespassed into Aryan's side of the bed with my arms around him and my nose mushed into his bicep. My socked feet were pushed behind his calves, seeking warmth.

Damn me for forgetting my body pillow at home.


When Aryan exited the bathroom after his shower, my eyes met his through the mirror. My breath got caught in my throat, seeing him in a traditional Kurta for the first time. He had coincidentally worn the same shade of yellow color as my dress. The outfit fitted him impeccably, accentuating his well-toned physique without being too tight. Its long sleeves, ending just at his wrists, allowed a glimpse of those strong, masculine hands. His hair was styled neatly, with just a hint of natural dishevelment, a few locks falling gracefully over his forehead, making him look effortlessly handsome and so very very sexy.

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