Chapter 25 -Mystery Unveiled

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2:00 a

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2:00 a.m.
District Police Station, XX District

The walls, wax white, reached to the top of the sky. A lizard hung around the tubelight eyeing the gathering coldly. There was nothing special in the environment, just a hint of anticipation.

Hyunjin felt uneasy in the rock hard chair.

Chan returned from the cells.

"We've locked Jisung up.", he announced, "thank you all for your cooperation."

"That's all right.. but.. what is all this about?", Hyunjin asked.

" You see.. its kinda a long story.

But I'll start here.

Han Jisung was an ordinary boy studying at Xx high school in his city. He had a normal amount of friends, a family of two parents, and an average school record.

All of this changed in his second last year of high school when he found himself in contact with a senior by the name of Lee Min Ho.

I know many of you are schocked, I was too, but this is where it gets gnarly.

Jisung identified as homsexual, a fact that Minho wasn't too pleased to discover. Minho has admitted himself that whenever he thought of this topic, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head, causing him to lose control over his temper.

Upon further research, our psychologicist has consulted Minho and found out that Minho had immense amounts of internalised homophobia. This made him grow violent towards Jisung.

Many of Minho's friends, along with Minho begun to harrass, bully and even rape Jisung, to the point where Jisung lost passion for his music, his main interest.

Among these bullies was Kim Seung-min, a witness we had to consult for this case.

One day, Jisung got violently harrassed in the presence of his father. His parents waited for him to finish high school and sent him to Conversion Therapy for a year, taking medical leave from one year of college.

Jisung was sent to District 9, a place well known for its illegal and criminal activities. While Conversion Therapy is banned in all parts, it is still carried out by underground organizations there.

As per information provided by our infiltrators, Jisung was subject to extreme levels of torture there in the name of Conversion.

This includes but are not limited to- whipping, beatings, electric shocks, mental manipulation, sleep deprivation, prolonged solitary confinement, bastinado, starvation, degradation etc.

As you can see, things like these can have an adverse effects on the mind.

Different people are affected differently, most end up dying. However, Jisung had adapted to the situation by turning vengeful and violent.

District 9, being the only one without police supervision, had no imminent ruling power.

Taking advantage of this, Jisung joined a group of several rebels in the district and wrecked havock in the place. They managed to take down various illegal organisations with cunning and brute force, but there's only so much a group of teen rebels can do.

Mind you, none of these rebels were older than 19.

Jisung became one of the leading forces of the rebels, and so he remained till the underground forces joined hands to exterminate the group.

The rebels met at one of the lesser known areas of the district. The terminals of the forces managed to bomb them, leaving them to die.

However, there are survivors of everything.

A handful of them had caught hint of the bombing plan and had set up a plan to escape. One of these was Jisung.

The escapees, not more than 5 or 6, were caught by the forces too. They were given memory cleansing drugs and forced to turn to their opposing sides.

However, Jisung had a Trump card that nobody else knew.

While at the centre of the forces after being caught, Jisung had disappeared for a while.

He'd gotten a mysterious call from an old acquaintance. An acquaintance Jisung hadn't remembered well, but who would help him overcome the biggest obstacle in his life yet.

He'd hidden himself somewhere in the building, talking to this acquaintance, a worker at the store where he used to go to buy his guitars.

This worker had had developed an interest in him, to the point where he had found his location using mysterious sources. He was the only one who had known where Jisung was when he'd disappeared for a year.

For a lack of a better terms, he was a stalker of Jisung.

This worker had told him all he needed to know to avoid being affected by such drugs.

The worker knew all this because he was studying to be a psychology student himself.

With his help, Jisung managed to not only avoid having his memory erased, but also to escape Disctrict 9.

Seeing this, the stalker, well aware that Jisung wouldn't recognise his face or name, had managed to meet Jisung and act like he'd never known him. He then influenced his decision to join this college so he could have Jisung close to him for a long time to come.

Isn't that right, Lee Felix? "



How are y'all liking the story?

Are there any improvements I should make?

I'm so happy I get to share this experience with y'all, it really brightens my day when I see some of yall invested and voting/reading.

I never thought I'd ever end up posting anything like this cuz I'm so shy and stupid. But I'm so glad I made the impulsive decision to post this heehee. ✨


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