After some minutes she came out of the bathroom and joined me in bed. I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep when I felt her hand around me. Her hand is moving all over me, touching me in more private areas. I didn't want to push her away as I always do so I let her do whatever she wishes.

My eyes are still closed when my phone started ringing. I got out of the bed to take that. It's the office head of department and I wonder why he is calling.

"I think it's important you attend" he said

"What's the point? They already closed a deal with other company" my response.

"True but you can still convince him to invest in ours as well. No matter how little they wish to."


Even if I want to, I am on vacation and I can't leave here to Thailand for the presentation being held by Mr. Antonio. My dad will never let me go to Thailand for any reason.

"Don't tell me you have given up all hope" he said bringing me back.

"Of course I have besides I am here for my vacation. You want me to still work?" I asked weakly.

"Sorry ma'am but it's just a week business program. After that you can go back to China and continue your vacation but please don't give up hope" he suggested.

I told him I will think about it and ended the call. Of all other countries, why did Mr. Antonio choose to hold a business program in Thailand. He couldn't even host it in his own country, Philippines.

"Hey" Jane said interrupting my thoughts.

"I am sorry I needed to take that"

I know we agreed there won't be any phonecall on our first night together. So I switched off the phone and dropped it back on the table.

"It's alright" she simply said while looking at me worriedly.

I walked back to the bed and lied beside her. After some minutes of silence, she..

"So what are you gonna do about that" She asked.

"Nothing of course."

"Nothing? Why nothing?" She asked worriedly.

"The main point of coming here is to have a month off work. Why work in the middle of our vacation?"

"We can make it part of our vacation" she said.


She raised her eyebrows waiting for my response and I let out a sigh.

"It's not that simple. My dad would never let me step foot in that country" I said weakly.

"We shouldn't tell him then" she suggested. I looked at her in astonishment.

"Your dad doesn't need to know everything Becky. Besides what you're going for is something important and beneficial to all. If you can convince Mr. Antonio to invest in the company, it will make a good improvement in the business" she continued.


"I know this has always been what you wanted. To get Mr. Antonio into your company, this is your chance. Let's take this vacation to Thailand" she added while smiling.

I smiled back at her and jumped in her arms. I closed my eyes as she pats my back. For the first time in many months, I was genuinely happy to be in her arms. Like I said before, maybe coming here with her isn't bad at all.


I drove to the underground parking lot and got out of the car. It's been a hectic day and I just want to jump on my bed. I am tired and worn out. Having a deal with Mr. Antonio isn't so easy at all. I have to work more harder to meet up their demands. 

On getting to the elevator, my phone started ringing. I heaved a sigh when I saw who it was. Heng is calling. We agreed to have dinner together but I am tired for that now.

"Where are you Freen?" He asked over the phone.

"I am sorry Heng, I can't make it tonight maybe some other time..."

"We knew you would cancel as always. So uncle suggested we come over at your place instead"

"What?" I muttered

They are in my house? I ended the call and stormed out of the elevator as soon as it opened. I got inside my apartment to see my dad and Heng sitting in the living room. They have some packs of food on the table. They probably bought the food on their way here.

"It's no more funny that you sneak into my apartment every freaking time without telling me first" I said weakly

"Considering you avoid my calls and cancel everytime we invite you over..." My dad said.

"That's because I am always busy okay? I come home late and leave early in the morning..."

"And that's not so good for you Freen" he cut me off.

"You don't even have time for yourself. It's always about work, work and work. I barely see you, you barely have time for us, your family?" He continued.


"I worry about you every single time Freen because I am your dad. We are your family." he said in a sad tone.


"So we will keep visiting you this way if this is the only way I can see and spend little time with you". He said.

I heaved a sigh and looked at Heng who also looks so worried. I hate that they worry about me even when I try so hard to make them believe I am fine and that I have moved on.

"Go freshen up. I will dish the food for us" Heng said.

I nodded weakly and turned to my bedroom. A lot has happened over the years. Heng is married now to Nop. They have a child they adopted together. I can literally say that I am the only single person in the group. The rest are married except Nam who is already engaged. At least she's not single like me.

In the bedroom, I started undressing but stopped when I removed the pendant necklace I wore to work. I remember vividly well how I got this. It was supposed to be a couple necklace with Becky but it's sad enough that I am wearing it alone now.

"When everything goes back to normal. please propose to me, I promise to say yes"

Her words keep ringing in my head as my tears drop. We planned to get married. She wanted me to propose but death took her away from me so early. I slowly fell on the ground and hugged my knees. Each time I think of her, I break down. When will it ever stop hurting? I miss her so much.

It's been 4 years already but it still feels like it happened yesterday. She doesn't even visit me in the dream anymore.

"I miss you baby." I cried.

The memories of her were coming in making me cry some more. If only I knew things would end this way, I wouldn't have started the revenge in the first place. Becky would still be alive if I hadn't come into her life. I feel like I caused her death. I feel so guilty and it hurts so much.

To be continued.................

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