Odd events?

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I stumble around the forest in the middle of nowhere. I go left, I go right. Oh wait am I back where I was? I don't remember that blade of grass being there. Everything looks the same. Probably going in circles. WHY DO ALL THESE GOSH DARN TREES LOOK THE SAME?!? I wander to what I think is east. I walk for who knows how long. I begin to see a light in the distance. I stumble in that direction. It's a campsite. I hear people talking, singing, and laughing. I watch from the bushes. It's a freaking naturalist group. I'm surprised they're not cold and that fact they're pokemon are okay seeing them like this. I bust through the bushes and fall on the ground

Naturalist 1: Hey little dude are you alright?

Me: I'm alright for now

Naturalist 2: Oh my gosh look how adorable he is

She comes up and gives me a big hug. My face is in contact with her chest. I am able to break free after 10 seconds

Me: Umm thanks I guess. Do you happen to know where the closest town is?

Naturalist 1: It's uhhh 

He turns to his friend

Naturalist 1: Hey what's the closest town?

Naturalist 2: It's Littleroot town.

Me: Thanks. Which way is it?

Naturalist 2: It's just east of here

Me: Thanks so much.

Naturalist 1: Hey little dude before you head out here is a little gift from all of us. 

Naturalist 2: Think of it as a memento to remember us.

They hand me a small box about 8 inches by 7 inches in perimeter. I opened it. Inside is a ring of sorts, and a kinda long cylinder object with a soft part at the end and a button

Me: What is it?

Naturalist 2: You'll find out soon enough. She says this with a smile. Or kind of a sly grin.

I put the "gift" in my backpack and began walking towards Littleroot Town. After 35 minutes of walking I come up on the town. I wander around until I come up to a Pokemon center. I walk inside.

Nurse joy: Welcome to the Pokemon center. What can I do you for?

Me: Can I get a room and food for my Pokemon and myself

Nurse Joy: Of course. Here is your key and Pokemon food will be delivered to your room shortly.

Me: Great thanks.

I go to my room and see that the pokemon food has been delivered. I let my Pokemon out and have them regain strength. I get ready for bed and lay down and fall asleep along with my Pokemon. 

Early the next morning. I pay for everything and head to Mauville City. I walk for about an hour and a half and get there. I go to the airport and catch the next plane to the Alolan region. I get off the plane and walk to Yuki's house. I knock on the door. Yuki answers.

Yuki: ALEX!! I'm so glad your okay!

Me: Umm yeah I'm okay. Did something happen?

She takes me inside and sits me down on a couch

Yuki: You haven't heard? It's all over the news. Police surveillance saw you get kidnapped right outside some club. I was heartbroken. 

Me: Huh. Well I'm okay

Yuki: And also 3 hours after you got kidnapped a bunch of kids came running out a forest with various amounts of clothing on some of the kids. It prompted police to investigate and shut down a highly illegal pokemon science facility. 

Me: Huh. Well that's something. Let me tell you my side of the story.

My Pokemon JourneyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang