The Opportunity

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Deoxys: Hello Alex.

Tbh I'm not sure whether to be in star-struck aw or completely terrified or really pissed

Deoxys: Don't be afraid

Now I over here decided to get pissed and about to go on a rampage of words

Me: Excuse me! Why shouldn't I be afraid? You literally just emerged from an egg that didn't have a heartbeat but instead kept saying "Make translator" and you blast me with a wave of energy knocking me against the wall and just shooting out a beam of light at a translator I just fixed. So I'm not afraid, I'm pissed more than anything.

Professor Cerise along with Gen and Yuki run down the hallway to see what the explosion was. 

Professor Cerise: What happened?!

I hold up my rotom phone

Rotom phone: Deoxys has been registered to your Pokedex. Deoxys, the DNA Pokemon, a physic type. Deoxys emerged from a virus that came from space. It is highly intelligent and wields psychokinetic powers. This Pokémon shoots lasers from the crystalline organ on its chest.

Professor Cerise: So Deoxys hatched from the egg.

Me: Apparently so. Rotom updated Deoxys nickname. Set it to Deo.

Rotom phone: Affirmative.

Me: Also it can talk.

Gen: Wait what? Did I miss something?

Deo: I am Deoxys and I am indeed what that tiny electronic box says I am. I know what I am but what are you and these "pets" that follow you around?

Me: Well you know my name. (Kinda creepy) I am a human and these "pets" so you say are called Pokemon. You know my name (Alex). This is Professor Cerise and he studies Pokemon. That girl over there is Gen and her Pokemon is called Decidueye. And the last person is Yuki and her Pokemon Jigglypuff.

Deo: So what is the point of having a Pokemon?

Professor Cerise: The point of having a Pokemon is to form a bond with a companion that can provide both emotional support and physical assistance. Whether it's a Pikachu that can generate electricity or a Charizard that can fly you across long distances, each Pokemon has unique abilities and personalities that make them valuable additions to your life. Additionally, training and caring for a Pokemon can be a fulfilling experience that helps you grow as a person. Ultimately, having a Pokemon is about building a strong partnership with a loyal and trustworthy friend. 

Gen: Wait wait wait you have a translator on your chest that helps you to talk. Would that mean if you placed it on one of our Pokemon they could talk too?

Professor Cerise: Don't worry I already made duplicates. 

Yuki: How?

Professor Cerise: Well if you make something, the lab automatically makes a copy of it so you have something to fall back on if you screw up the first one.

Yuki: I have a question. Can Deo evolve or have other forms?

Deo: Yes I have 4 forms.

Deo: Yes I have 4 forms

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