The student

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Scorbunny and I look at each other right before we enter the forest. Knowing that we might never return for a long time. We walk in, taking in the beauty of everything around us. We were walking for about an hour and it gave me time to think, and I was just mostly thinking about seeing Scorbunny's moves. But I was also trying to think like an adult about what would happen if Scorbunny did use a fire-type move. Well, it came to a forest fire. All of a sudden I saw a Beedrill. I whispered to Scorbunny.

Me: You see that Beedrill over there let's battle it.

Scorbunny: (Whispered) Scorbun.

Then I said in a normal tone of voice

Me: Scorbunny use Quick Attack!

Scorbunny: Scor! Scor! Scor! Scor! Bunnnnny!

The attack makes contact since Beedrill was caught off guard and by the looks of it was pretty mad. Then Beedrill used X-Scissor. 

Me: Counter with Double Kick.

The attacks canceled each other out. Beedrill retreated into a bush for about 5 seconds then came out with a bunch of other Beedrill and they were coming at me and Scorbunny with a lot of Fury Attacks. 


Scorbunny: SCORBUNNY!!!!

After about five minutes of running, we found a clearing. Well, more like we saw a clearing it lead to a 5ft ledge and we both fell off it into the sand. When we both got our heads around what had just happened we noticed the view of the ocean was so vast and great.

 When we both got our heads around what had just happened we noticed the view of the ocean was so vast and great

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 All of a sudden we hear a voice.

Unknown person: Are you two alright?

Me: Yeah we're fine, just ran into some Beedrill, like a lot of Beedrill, and frankly when we tried to battle the more we attacked the more they just keep coming. 

Unknown person: Yeah that tends to happen a lot around here. I'm Gen from the Johto region and this is my partner Decidueye.

Decidueye: Decidu.

Me: Well I am (undetermined) and this is my partner Scorbunny.

Scorbunny: Scorbunny!

Gen: Well it's nice to meet you. Can I offer you something?

Me: Sure what is it?

Gen: Would you like to become my student? I have entered the Johto league a couple of times and I always wash out at the last or second to last round. So an extra set of eyes would be helpful to point out my mistakes. And I can help you with battling, help you and your pokemon get stronger.

Me: Well that sounds awesome, do you wanna get stronger with me Scorbunny?

Scorbunny: Scorbun!

Gen: Are you up for it Decidueye?

Decidueye: Decidueye.

Gen: Let's get started right away.

Me: Right.

Thanks @MoonlarktheAlphaWolf for your wonderful suggestion and I look forward to receiving more.

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