Chapter 25 - Should I Be Worried That Everyone Else Is Worried?

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It is really sad that I finally know what it's like to have an epiphany right when I'm going to die in four hours. Not to mention how my sudden idea also involves us setting our death in stone. Points for intelligence for me.

Sometime in the chilly night, my mind was blankly running through what would happen tomorrow when the lighting strike of an idea hit me.

We needed to bring Hel down somehow. And while tomorrow morning would basically be our execution and the children of Loki's start to eternal punishment, we also had a window.

Gently, I pulled myself away from the extremely rare comfort Alex was giving me as we slept. If anything was going to get me killed the most, it would be waking up the einherji.

I made my way to where Cyrus and Saar were sprawled on the ground, top and tail. Saars busted nose, and the boot stamp on Cyrus' face, they weren't the most comfortable.

"Psst, guys." I whispered to them, when they didn't respond, I went again. "Guys," I said a little more urgently, shaking their shoulders.

Cyrus woke up first, eyes shooting awake and arms scrambling. By some miracle, I got a hold of their beefy, lean limbs before they made an actual connect with me.

"It's me, it's me, it's me." I Tried to calm them frantically.

They still had their muzzle on, which explained their wild eyes and their frozen muscles.

"Mmrrmm." Cyrus grunted, then closed their eyes after seeing what prevented them from talking.

"Sorry," I apologized quietly.

"What are you doing up?" Saar groaned tiredly. "Can we at least get a peaceful night sleep before we die the next day?"

"I know, but I have an idea." I persuaded.

"Can't it wait for tomorrow?" Saar whined, starting to lay back down onto the dark concrete floor.

"No," I insisted, grabbing them by the collar of their assassin's uniform to pull them up. "Now."

"Mmwrmm," Cyrus made the gesture of go on.

"Unlike you guys, I can used my powers right?" I began.

"Yeah," Saar said hesitantly "because there's a spell or something that keeps other from using their powers. Also why this big guy is chained up again."

A gurgling growl bubbled from the thick cloth around Cyrus' mouth.

"Exactly," I continued "but if Hel wants us to be the ones to open the walnut,"

"She's gonna have to turn off that barrier!" Saar put together.

"Giving us our powers." I was thankful that Saar wasn't fighting me anymore "Once we can use our powers, we attack Hel."

"Smart, but how in the nine realms will that work?" The daughter of Hodur argued back. "Did you forget she is the goddess of death, the ruler of Helliam or whatever it's called?"

"Helheim," I corrected "and yes I did. But when I say bring down, I mean literally."

The mafia leader was looking at me in a strange way, as if still trying to decide if she were dreaming and that it was a manifestation in her mind of me raving like a lunatic.

"Care to elaborate for the sleep deprived minds here?" Her voice was hoarse, as if speaking through an old radio.

But it did not bother me. I have been traveling with these two unique characters to where her snark just sound weird if it was not there. Or Cyrus being the parental figure of us, a more mature version of Halfborn.

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