Chapter 8 - I Bring My Game To The Table.

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"Okay, this is a complete mess!" amended Saar. We all sat around the table in the dining area, the room was styled of dark wood and white cushions, so your average rich man luxury that made others sick.

"We have no idea where this Valkyrie is you guys love, Magnus here lost his business, other dad, and only form of weapon to protect himself."

"Hearth's not my dad, he's like a brother," I corrected "and Jack was more of a friend than a weapon."

"— and now we have a prophecy." Mallory butted in, hoping to end Saar's rant. "That can lead us on our journey."

She looked over at me. "Care to share?"

I cleared my throat and shared the poetry again. Like before, everyone seemed to be processing my words a mile per minute.

"So, North summons once again,"TJ repeated "That means Nifleheim right? That's why Percy got us this ship."

Alex and I nodded. "To assist a troubled friend to gain, what about that?" Alex continued.

"That might mean Hearth!" Blitz chimed in "He might be in Nifleheim, which is why we're going, to assist him!"

I grimaced, but was hopeful too. Blitzen turned to me anxiously "What else?"

"Summer and winters discord in vain, that might mean Saar and I. After all, we are counters to each other." I discussed.

"As both fall to end mischief's bane." Halfborn added at the end "If summer and winter do mean you two, I'm not too thrilled about what will happen next."

He had a point. That last line, from Nico's experience, usually meant death.

"Again though," TJ spoke up "prophecies can have more than one meaning. Let's not assume the worst yet."

Even though he was trying to keep the others optimistic, I could see the sadness clouding the back of his eyes.

"Speaking of winter," Mallory said. She, along with Saar and Halfborn decided to stand around the table, instead of sit. "Corbain, you never told us about your little side affect with your powers."

"How could I?" Saar challenged, her accent thick, t least her side affects dissolved. "I didn't know how I could trust you guys with a weakness like that. Also, it doesn't prevent me from being any less of a fighter. "

"We're floormates," Mallory argued back "you can trust us like family."

Something flashed in the back of Saar's eyes, so fast I almost didn't see it, but I knew what it was from experience: pain.

"There was another bit," I spoke up, remembering the beginning of the vision.

"The Oracle had this introduction: The white rage of Skofnung's champion, Shadow's grief, Light's love. Ragnorok to fall if failure proceeds."

"Skofnung?" Alex repeated. Hearing it a second time, it made me nauseous.

The skofnung was a strange weapon, the stone used to heal the horrid wounds the sword created. If someone was stabbed with the sword, they would bleed out until death, nothing could heal it except the stone. It also wasn't allowed to be drawn with women present, which was what my uncle Randolph did, burning him alive in a blue acid of the enraged Berserker spirits as he fell down a chasm to Hel. The same weapon the freed Loki when we had the wedding.

The thing though, was that it was destroyed. Once Randolph released it with women present, the spirits were released. So how could  return, and in what objective form. And what was the white rage?

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