Chapter 1 - My Nemesis Is My Neighbor

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I blame Sam.

Don't hate me, but I feel that for once, I should not be the cause of disaster that could lead to the end of the world.

I never had to deal with new immortals beings rising from myths and death, people with powers I never knew existed, with consequences that have a harsher backlash utill she sent that dang alert.

But at the time, I had to deal with not breaking my neck as I fell down the stairs of my home.

Since July, the Chase Space has been a total success! We have fundings coming in, organizations giving us donations, including Fadlan's Falafels. The kids have been trusting myself, Alex, Blitzen, and Hearthstone more than ever. They have been learning respect, sign language, fashion tips, even some pottery after I installed a wheel in one of the many rooms of my uncle's mansion.

But there are things the residents here might want to come to some grip with: proper manners. Starting with picking up their own messes.

I was upstairs, prepping a room that was now empty. The resident, like some, had only stayed the night, taking some food, cash, and a nights rest. And like I said, perfectly fine.

"Hey Magnus!" Alex called from the first floor "Sam sent a text, you might want to hear this!"


I tucked the last of the sheets in, and rushed down the stairs. Once a few steps down, my foot made contact with an old backpack, sending me flying.

I must have made every possible sound of pain with each stair step my face made contact with, until I stumbled down to the first floor. I was sprawled out at the entrance of the stairs, my lower half still propped by the wooden stairs as my other half was eagle spread of the floor.

"Graceful," noted a voice above me.

I looked up and was met with a pair of two toned eyes, green hair, and a snarky smile. Alex Fierro stood over me, smiling at my clumsiness.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically "that's what I was aiming for."

With a grunt I pulled myself to my feet. As I dusted myself off, Alex moved so she( she told me her pronouns earlier) was closer to me.

"Check it out." She ordered, sharing the screen of her phone. She flashed me the text message from Sam, her half -sister.

Alex, Magnus, we need you guys at the hotel. New einherji coming in. World class pain. ASAP.

"Well that sounds... intriguing." Alex offered.

I stared at the phone. Why was Samirah's message so jumbled? There were a lot more questions in my mind, mainly circling the new einherji.

Alex seemed to see my lost expression and nudged me. "Come on Beantown, let's see what the ruckus is."

After leaving the Chase Space in the care of my closest friends, Blitz and Hearth, we made our way to the warrior paradise.

Hotel Valhalla. Each undead resident decorated with unique heroic tales and splotches of blood stains. Five hundred-forty floors packed with sadistic fighters, preparing themselves for the day of Ragnorok where we would all die on the grounds of Vigrior.

But for now, we go day to day with games and events to the death, in hopes to desensitize us to the idea of death and gore. It's easier for some, but not me.

After avoiding airborne pitchforks and blazing rods of fire, Alex and I arrived at floor nineteen. As we passed the front desk, I couldn't help but see the mess that had happened.

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