Chapter 19 - Cheesy Words Of Wisdom And Problematic Problems

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"Oh my gods,"

Saar and I had our heads poking from the doorframe, peering out at the brown haired French girl a little ways down the hall. "She still visits." Saar mumbled to herself. The faint pink starting to strengthen on her cheeks.

"Who?" I whispered. With agitation, she grabbed the back of my collar shirt and yanked me out of the frame, slamming the door.

"That's my girlfriend you moron!" She hissed. "She was alerted of my death, she went to my freaking funeral and rosary prayer. Good lord!
She's probably still here because my birthday was recently, dang it!" She whined.

"When's your birthday?" I whispered back.

"January 12th, not that long ago."

Wait one moment.

My eyes shot down at the daughter of winter. It wasn't possible—no. Saar looked at me and saw me staring.

"What?" She demanded.

"Y-You're birthday is January 12th?" I stammered.

"That's what I said,"

All the blood seemed to leave my head as I leaned against the doorframe, my hand covering my eyes. "You've got to be kidding me," I mumbled to myself. Just another thing that was similar to us.

"What is your problem?" She snapped.

I got over my shock and looked at her. "Your birthday is almost the same day as mine." Saar matched my weirded out expression. If anything, she seemed more weirded out.

"When's your birthday?" She asked.

"January 13th," why did I sound like I wasn't sure of myself? "The days after yours."

Saar was frozen for a minute, locked in her bewildered expression. But that form quickly shattered as a snort escaped her and she started to laugh.

"What the Hodur! HA HA!" She wheezed and laughed all the harder. Her hands clamped tightly on her knees, which looked like toothpicks about to be snapped.

All I did was stand in my corner as Saar tried to pull herself together. "Okay, okay," she repeated to herself.

"I am older by a day than you buster! That is something I'm never going to let you forget." She choked out.

"Yeah, okay," I wasn't to thrilled about Saar having another thing to tease me over, but we need to keep going. "But right now, we need to get past your girlfriend and get to Cyrus."

"I know!" She exasperated "But how?"

A gust of wind to our left gave us the answer. We both looked over at the open sliding glass door. Afternoon light pouring in as the curtains flowed lazily with the sea breeze. We looked back at each other.

"That's a terrible idea," Saar amended.


"Explain again, why are we doing this?" The Mafia leader called to me, pressing herself tight against the wall.

"Hey," I argued, grunting as I shimmied from one windowsill to another. "it's not my fault you can't face your girlfriend."

Since the only other exit out of the hotel owners room was blocked by the one person she didn't want to see her in the whole world, we hand to climb down seven stories to get to the room I originally occupied.

"Your one to talk!" She yelled back. I decided to ignore that comment.

The sun was beaming down on us like heated paddles, the breeze a gentle width that made me shake violently from my position. My fingers were raw and sore, aching like permanently disfigured straws from all the ledges we climbed past like large, clumsy spiders.

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