Chapter 17 - Meanwhile...

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You would think the rest of floor 19 would have a better situation compared to Magnus and the others right? Well, if you thought that, you would be the next on a long line of people a certain genderfluid einherji wanted to slaughter.

On the other side of Midguard, Alex Fierro was being drug through the halls of secret horror cite known as the Facially. A place where unspeakable, inhumane, disgusting acts were made. So of course, it's just the right place for her to be in as an immortal warrior.

Before what was left of their hunk of junk 2.0 ship was taken over by zombies, Alex and Hearthstone had been in their own conversation.

We might need to start having second thoughts of this plan. The elf signed, bandaging their half-conscious boyfriend Blitzen.

"No way," Alex argued, signing along "we've come to far in to give up."

Lost much of the supplies. Down three teammates, and injuries that need proper care.

"I know!" The child of Loki said irritated, it wasn't a reminder she needed. This is one of the very rare times Alex had ever felt that she probably should have our more effort in, seeing how Magnus got himself injured and swept out to sea to help her.

The group's healer was down, lost either in the second largest ocean on the planet, or— nope, not an option. They had also lost Cyrus and Saar in the same manner.

At the thought of the incident, Alex's mind was whirling with the events. She never anticipated Loki to ever get control over her. But that's only because he had help from his daughter Hel and used Sam as well, right?

Anyhow, that's not what was making the shapeshifter go crazy, it was what happened when Magnus pulled her back. That whole situation sent this hopelessness cold that kept her down; as if she never felt the warmth of summer. Then, Magnus decided to step up to the romance plate again and erased that depression.

During that kiss, she was worried that he was going to see her memories like before, but this time it was different. I guess it was how Magnus sees memories when he heals, but the Alex was a forced audience to several of his memories.

Glowing blue eyes in the night along with orange and red flames, a woman that appeared to be the son of Frey's mother in the middle of it all. Magnus Chase, around the same age Alex was when she got thrown out, being blown off the fire escape ladder and watching his home burn. Moments with the blonde and his friends, Hearth and Blitz on the street. His fatal battle with Surt, watching the death of a Valkyrie with white hair.

There were others too, memories that she shared with him, but it wasn't the time to go into detail of that.

Alex turned back to Hearth. "We've gone this far, we have to keep going."

"Also," said a voice behind her. Halfborn Gunderson, strode up to them, his clothes shredded just like the other einherji's. "Sam is part of floor 19, just like Magnus and Saar."

"And Cyrus," Mallory put in, hobbling over with a broken ankle. "We're family."

She and the other berserker were fixing a sail together when the albino took a lightning strike that would have been fatal if it were Mallory. Turned her tune right around, a new record for the daughter of Frigg.

TJ also came up. "And we haven't let them down before, let's not start now." All Alex could do was smile at her hall mates in gratitude.

"You might be getting your wish." Blitzen groaned, pointing out to the horizon.

Another ship was barreling down towards them, dozens of undead warriors from Helheim prepped and ready to fight. And with the einherjar's boat engine blown out, they were sitting ducks.

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