24 - Come After Me Now...

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I was walking through the park early one evening. I had just come from dinner with Enola and Tewksbury. They wanted to see me, and we wanted to spend time together. My driver was waiting for me at the park entrance, but I just wanted an evening stroll.

I hated taking this walk alone. When we lived in the apartment Sherlock, and I used to walk through the park all the time after dinner.

I looked at the couples walking past me, arms linked, very much only having eyes for each other. Then there were the families. Small children holding their parents' hands walking between them or a mother pushing a pram, looking in at her sleeping child lovingly.

I sighed and gently rubbed my belly.

"We will work it out baby, just you and me." I whispered and then continued walking.

As I reached a small bridge that crossed over a river, I stopped halfway through and leaned on the railing, looking out. I took a shaky breath wanting to keep my tears at bay.


I heard the voice I knew all too well, I knew the voice, it had said my name probably a million times. Although it never said it in the tone it was now. Hurt, sorrow, pain, hope, longing, love...a lot of different feelings. I turned my head and saw him.

"Sherlock." I said as he slowly approached me.

I just watched him approach me, but he didn't take any opportunity to come too close to hug or kiss or anything. I started fidgeting with my wedding ring on my finger that I seemed to not be able to take off. Sherlock noticed and huffed a small laugh.

"You fidget with it too..." He said and I noticed he was doing the same thing. I smiled and downcast my gaze to the ground.

"Sherlock, I -..." I started to say when I finally looked back up at him and he slightly shook his head.

"No, you had every right to do what you did. If I had been in your position, I would have done it too. I just need to know Portia, how long are we supposed to do this?" Sherlock asked.

"I don't know. I didn't have a plan Sherlock. I mean I wanted separation until you could decide between Irene and I..."

"I picked you!" Sherlock raised his voice slightly.

"Did you?! You may have saved me that day in the warehouse and you may have married but did you really pick me?! You have to admit Sherlock, Irene was in the back of your mind the entire time we were together." I raised my voice just as much only to quiet down by the end.

"Of course, she was in the back of my mind, she tried to kill you!" Sherlock said.

"But she didn't! Sherlock, I'm here, I'm alive! I wanted a husband, I wanted a life and a family. The past be damned." I said and he hung his head.

"I don't know how to live a life without a case Portia."

"I'm not saying you can't have a case Sherlock. I'm not saying you can't do what you do best. But finding Irene, hunting Irene isn't what you do best! She is always a few steps ahead." I responded. Sherlock just stood there with a small nod.

"So, if I ignored the letters, the threats, all of it you would have stayed with me, and we wouldn't be here?" Sherlock asked and I groaned.

"Yes Sherlock! We could be a family!" I said.

"We can be a family now!" Sherlock yelled and I shook my head taking a small step back from him when he reached out for me.

"Only if you're done with Irene. I mean really done Sherlock." I said.

Never Gone: A Study in Suitors Part Two ⭐Where stories live. Discover now