11 - Eudoria Holmes

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"Mother?" Sherlock questioned in shock seeing the woman standing there in front of us, looking slightly disheveled but none-the-less a woman of stature and knowledge.

"Sherlock what are you doing here?" She asked in shock seeing him and then seeing me as I walked beside him. "Is this Portia?! You're wife?!" She asked and I gave a small smile as Sherlock half nodded.

"Misses Holmes, it's so nice to meet you." I said and she smiled at me.

"Oh sweetie, don't call me Misses Holmes, call me Eudoria." She said and I smiled with a small nod.

"What are you doing here?" Sherlock asked. I elbowed him.

"It's my place Sherlock although it looks like you two are using it as your little love nest...are you trying to make me a grandmother again?" She asked and I looked at Sherlock confused.

"I'm sorry Eudoria, I was here for a few days away, I needed someplace to go." I said and she looked between Sherlock and me.

"What did you do?" Eudoria asked and Sherlock and I smirked. A mother knows her child.

"I was stupid. Moriarty came back -..."

"I know she is back, you think I don't hear things! Sherlock, I know everything. Your brother's marriage, child, death, your marriage, Enola's prospect with Lord Tewkesbury, Irene being back, taking Portia hostage and shooting her...I may not be present son, but I know everything." Eudoria said and I smiled knowing she was amazing. I was in love with her already and I could see where Enola got it from. Eudoria walked over to me and took both my hands.

"Let me get a good look at you." Eudoria said and held me at arm's length seeming to inspect me.

"Mother, be nice." Sherlock grumbled. She shot him a look.

"How could I be anything but nice to the young lady? She is gorgeous, you got lucky Sherlock. Married out of your league for sure." Eudoria said and I smiled at Sherlock and he just smiled but nodded.

"I know I did, she's perfect." Sherlock said.

"Fertile?" She asked and I looked at her in shock then at Sherlock.

"Mother!" Sherlock grumbled.

"Well just need to know if I should plan for another grandchild..." Eudoria said and Sherlock walked over and me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and I smiled as he did.

"We are trying. Actually, we were wondering if we could have this place. I was going to talk to Enola about it since I didn't know where you were..." Sherlock trailed off and she nodded.

"I would love for you two to have this place. It's a perfect little home for you." Eudoria said and I smiled.

"Perfect, we will get moved in soon." Sherlock said and I nodded.

"Well, I wanted to come check on the place but I think it's time to go check in on your sister, Emilia and MJ. I heard he was taken recently. Irene?" Eudoria said and Sherlock nodded.

"Portia found him and came face to face with her...again." Sherlock said and I groaned.

"She is wanting a chase." I said and Eudoria looked at Sherlock.

"Are you chasing her?"

"No, I'm going to focus on my family. No more following shitty leads." Sherlock said and I smiled up at him and he just kissed the tip of my nose.

"Good." Eudoria said and I sighed.

"Well, we have 2 horses here, I can ride with Sherlock, and you can use my horse." I said and she smiled.

"Sounds perfect. Let's get to see my girl." Eudoria said and we walked to the stable and got the horses. Sherlock got up on his horse and then helped me up but put me in front of him and not behind him.

"You sure this is comfortable?" I asked and he nodded as he wrapped his arms around me to grab the reigns. He leaned down to my ear.

"This was I can hold you close to me." Sherlock said and I smiled at him shaking my head.

"Get going Sherlock." I said and he laughed as we took off.

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Once we got to the house, we tied up the horses and got off.

"Let me go in and make sure they are ready to receive people." Sherlock said and walked into the house leaving me and Eudoria outside.


"Yes?" I asked looking at her.

"You know Sherlock will never stop chasing her." Eudoria said and I just half nodded.

"I know. I'm not stupid to believe that. He will get a lead and go after her. That's how she plays. She will wait until he is content as well as I and she will do something to make him go after her." I said and Eudoria came over to me and took ahold of my hands.

"You are beautiful Portia, and I wasn't lying when I said Sherlock married out of his league with you. I just need you to be strong and not run from him anymore. This is a time you two need to be strong together to bring her down. She is going to mess up eventually and it will be her downfall." Eudoria said and I nodded.

"I just don't want to lose Sherlock in the process. He can go so hard sometimes..." I said and she let go of my one hand and placed it on my cheek.

"Then you need to keep him safe and ground Portia. As a wife that's our job. Husbands makes lives complicated without knowing we simplify it taking no gratification in it, letting the men think they did it all on their own." Eudoria said and I half nodded. He pulled me into a hug and I smiled.

"I'm so happy to have finally met you." I said and she chuckled.

"Oh, sweet Portia, I have been around a lot longer than you realize. I was there when Sherlock proposed, I was there when you got married...I have been around." Eudoria said and we laughed. Sherlock came walking outside and saw us laughing. Enola came running out right behind him pushing him out of the way to get to Eudoria. Sherlock walked over to me and smiled. He could see the look on my face, I was thinking about what Eudoria said about Sherlock not being done.

"You, okay?" Sherlock asked and I nodded smiling at him.

"I have you, you make me happy." I said and he smiled. We walked inside and I saw Emilia sitting with MJ and I smiled and Eudoria went over to meet them both. I felt a little twinge in my heart I couldn't explain.

Was I really considering having this family while Sherlock was still looking for her?

"Portia, the post delivered something for you earlier today. They said they went by the apartment and you weren't there but it was urgent." Enola said and pointed to a letter on the table.

"Thank you Enola." I said and grabbed the letter, opened the envelope.

-Back with Sherlock I see. Tsk tsk Portia, you lied to me. I wonder who will have to pay for you lying next? Eudoria, Enola, Lord Tewkesbury...love keeping you on your toes. I would suggest getting your funeral clothes ready. They won't be as easy to find as MJ was. See you soon.-

I folded up the note and placed it in the top of my dress before I could be seen and I sighed. This would be left to myself for now.

Never Gone: A Study in Suitors Part Two ⭐Where stories live. Discover now