17 - Get Help

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Sherlock and I were taken to the restaurant we had our first ever date at and I giggled as he helped me out of the carriage.

"Are we going to have a better outing here than last time?" I asked and Sherlock chuckled.

"I sure hope so, although I think that night ended in a pretty passionate kiss..." Sherlock said with a smirk.

"It might have...maybe tonight though...it could end in more..." I whispered to him as we walked in, and he growled looking down at me.

"Misses Holmes we are in public..." Sherlock said, and I gave him a small wink. We walked in and were promptly seated. Sherlock pulled my chair out for me, and I sat down receiving a kiss on my cheek as I did.

Sherlock had ordered for me and himself as well as ordering him a glass of whiskey, but I ordered a glass of wine and Sherlock groaned.

"What?" I asked with a chuckled.

"I thought you were keeping away from alcohol in case it got in the way of getting pregnant?" Sherlock said and I sighed.

"I thought one night wouldn't kill me." I said and he smiled.

As soon as our food was delivered, we started eating in a comfortable silence. I kept looking up and when I did, I would find Sherlock looking at me.

"What?!" I asked and he smirked shaking his head.

"Just admiring my beautiful wife." Sherlock said as I smiled shaking my head at his cheesiness.

"Can we talk about what happened today with Watson?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Of course, we can...I know you have questions."

"I really only have one which is how is bringing him on going to help?" I asked.

"What do you mean? I thought you said it was a good idea?" Sherlock asked and I nodded.

"I did, I know we need the help and resources I just don't know how he will ever catch her if we don't even know when she is leaving the notes or when she plans to attack again." I said and Sherlock sighed. He reached for my hand across the table, I placed mine in his.

"She will show her face eventually Portia and we will get her. She can't ruin this for us." Sherlock said and brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles and I smiled.

"Til the end." I said and he nodded.

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Once we finished dinner we got in the carriage after Sherlock told the driver a secret location I wasn't allowed to hear.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere..." Sherlock said, and I just looked at him confused.

"I'm not crazy about surprises Sherlock." I said and he smirked at me.

"There was one night you didn't seem to care about a surprise." Sherlock said and I smiled with a slight blush shaking my head.

"Yeah, well that night you had me shocked..." I said and he smiled. He lifted my left hand and kissed where my wedding ring was.

"One of the best nights of my life." Sherlock said. We were silent on the rest of the ride to the location and once we stopped, Sherlock got out then helped me out. We were back on London Bridge, and I smiled to Sherlock as he linked my arm in his and we walked down the bridge.

"So, you were bringing me back to the proposal spot all along." I said and he chuckled.

"I did, I thought a stroll down memory lane would be nice." Sherlock said as I rested my head on his arm as we walked.

"It's very much appreciated." I said. We stopped in a certain spot and I looked at him after I looked around.

"This is where you proposed." I said and Sherlock nodded.

"It was, center of the bridge, perfect view of everything and you." Sherlock said and I smiled. I looked up and didn't see the moon or stars, it was cloudy.

"Unfortunately, not as bright as that night." I said and Sherlock looked up.

"No, but if that's the only thing wrong and doesn't match I will take it. One thing that hasn't changed is how much I love you. Portia I know I didn't give you much when all of this with Irene started back up and I know I keep telling you but I'm here with you, it's time to be a husband not just a detective." Sherlock said as he leaned down and passionately kissed me and I moaned in the kiss. Once we broke apart Sherlock placed a hand on my cheek.

"Do you know the night I asked you to marry me, I really thought you were going to tell me no." Sherlock said and I looked at him in his eyes and gave a small smile.

"Why would you think that?!" I asked.

"I don't know, I mean I talked to everyone about proposing to you and everyone assured me you would say yes but everything with Irene had happened, you were shot because of me and I really thought you were going to tell me I wasn't worth it." Sherlock said and I sighed placed my hand over his on my cheek and interlocking our fingers.

"Sherlock, I thought you brought me here that night to tell me you made a mistake and were breaking up with me." I said and he laughed.

"Breaking up with you on a bridge?!" Sherlock asked and I shrugged with a laugh.

"Somewhere to jump off of when you gave me the news since I would have been so distraught." I said and he laughed, leaned in and placed his forehead on mine.

"I would never do that to you Portia." Sherlock said and I felt his forehead on mine and got worried.

"Sherlock, you're sweating..." I said and he groaned.

"I know, I'm not feeling the best. I haven't been since dinner, but I thought getting out and staying out would help." Sherlock said and he started to sway a little.

"Sherlock?" I asked worried and he grumbled something.

"Portia...get...help." Sherlock said and passed out falling into me and I fell down as gracefully as I could holding on to him.

"HELP! SOMEONE! HELP ME!" I screamed out as people stopped and started running over. 

Never Gone: A Study in Suitors Part Two ⭐Where stories live. Discover now