9 - No More Chasing

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I rode up to my destination and got off the horse leaving him with the few others who were there. I walked down the long pier walkway. I sighed as I got to the building entrance knowing I hadn't been in here since that horrible night. My side started hurting and I knew it was just residual from the memories.

I walked through the warehouse and then I saw the figure sitting there on a chair holding something wrapped in a blanket. The chair was set up where I had been.

"You know for being Mycroft's kid he is pretty adorable." I heard her voice say and I sighed remaining calm.

"He takes after his mother." I said.

"And his uncle. I see a little bit of Sherlock on him too. Have you ever seen it?" Irene asked and I shook my head.

"No, I guess I haven't." I said as I kept slowly walking towards her.

"Well, I guess you wouldn't see it since you don't have children of your own. I mean me shooting you didn't ruin that did it?" Irene asked and she finally looked up and made eye contact with me and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"No, I can still have children. Sherlock just wants to catch you before we start a family. I mean you are willing to take someone else's baby. What would you do to a baby of mine?" I asked.

"Oh, sweet Portia, you'll just have to have a baby find out. I won't be this easy to find though." Portia said and I groaned.

"Irene, why are you doing this?" I asked and she sighed.

"I'm pissed Portia! He picked you! He wasn't supposed to pick you!" Irene yelled and the baby started crying.

"He didn't though! You have always been on the forefront of his mind. He is in the middle of chasing you! He wants to chase you, Irene! We aren't even living together anymore, I left him!" I yelled and I saw the smirk on her face.

"So, he isn't here with you? To save you?" Irene asked and I shook my head.

"No, it's just me. I came here on a whim, somewhere personal to us." I said and she smiled.

"Aww Portia so sentimental." Irene said and placed MJ down on the floor. She walked over to me and smiled.

"If you and Sherlock aren't together anymore, why do you wear his wedding ring around your neck?" Irene asked and I sighed.

"He thinks we have a chance to be together, so he is having me hold it while he holds mine. There is no hope though. Once he catches you, he will just find someone else to chase." I said and she half nodded.

"That's true. He doesn't really love you." Irene said and I nodded.

"I know." I said and she looked at me and was shocked.

"Wow...you really aren't scared of me right now. I mean could easily kill you and you wouldn't even fight me." Irene said.

"Nothing to fight for. No husband, no kids...no need." I said and she laughed. She just shook her head.

"I want a little bit of more time with Sherlock." Irene said and there was a loud crash somewhere outside the warehouse distracting me to look towards the door. When I looked back Irene was gone. I looked around and made sure she was really gone. MJ was screaming and crying. I ran over to him and picked him up.

"Hey buddy, it's okay. I got you. Let's get you home to your mama." I said and held him close to me and got him to calm down. Once I got on the horse, it was a struggle, but I placed the baby in a wrap that I put securely around my body.

I rode back to the house slowly and steady. Once I arrived Sherlock was outside pacing and he saw me.

"Oh, thank god." Sherlock said and I stopped the horse. I smiled and handed him MJ.

"EMILIA! ENOLA!" Sherlock yelled. Enola and Emilia came running out and he handed MJ to Emilia, and she broke down into tears.

"Go lay down cuddle with MJ." I said and Emilia walked into the house and Enola followed her. Sherlock helped me off the horse and just held me in his arms.

"Where was he?" Sherlock asked.

"The warehouse..." I said and Sherlock groaned.

"Of course, he was..."

"Irene was also there." I said and Sherlock looked at me. I couldn't tell if he was panicked, upset, scared or what. What I could tell was he wanted to run after her.

"What did she say? What did she want?!" Sherlock asked and I sighed.

"She's mad you picked me, but I told her that had changed, and you want the chase." I said and Sherlock shook his head. He pulled me even closer to him and sighed.

"No Portia, I want you. I only want you, I want everything with you. The last few weeks, going home, sleeping and waking without as well as everything between I don't know what to do with my life. You are my life, Portia. When you aren't with me, I can't breathe. I need you." Sherlock said and wrapped his arms around my waist as mine went around his neck.

"She isn't going to go away and us being together may make it worse." I said and he shook his head.

"I don't care. Let her come. She wants a chase, she won't be getting it." Sherlock said and I looked at him with a smile.

"Really?" I asked and Sherlock nodded.

"I want you and only you Portia." Sherlock said and leaned down slowly and passionately kissed me. I moaned as his lips touched mine. I had missed him too much as well as his lips on mine.

"We need to get home." Sherlock said and I smiled at him.

"I have a better idea." I said and he smiled at me. I peeked in the door and saw Enola in the sitting room.

"I'm heading back to the cottage." I said and she smiled.

"And Sherlock?" Enola asked.

"He's joining me." I said and she smiled. I left the house and pulled Sherlock into the carriage.

"The cottage." I told the driver and Sherlock looked at me oddly. I just shook my head as my lips were instantly on his as we rode away.

Never Gone: A Study in Suitors Part Two ⭐Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora