22 - Broken Plans & Broken Hearts

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A couple of months later everything was going fine. No notes from Irene, no threats, nothing. I was starting to think she had given up. I was starting to live in peace. Except for now... I was sitting on the couch watching the clock minutes tick by as the fire embers dwindle down.

Sherlock was supposed to here two hours ago...I got a letter from him earlier in the day that we were doing dinner out tonight and to be ready. He was supposed to pick me up two hours ago. I went out to the stables and saddled my horse, time to go find my husband.

I got on the horse and rode to the Holmes estate first, that's where he said he would be working on something with Enola. I tied the horse up outside the house and walked to the door and it was quickly opened before I could knock. I was shocked by who opened the door.

"Portia? You okay?" Enola asked.

"Is he here?" I asked.

"Who? Sherlock?" Enola asked and I just looked at her.

"Yes, Sherlock. Is he here? He told me he was working with you." I said.

"No, he hasn't been here in a few days. He told me you and he were planning another trip, and he wouldn't be able to be reached." Enola said and I groaned.

"No, no trip. I'm looking for him now. He was supposed to be home two hours ago for a dinner." I said as I went to walk back to my horse.

"Portia...?" Enola questioned. I turned and looked at her before I mounted the horse.

"Are you leaving Sherlock?"

"I don't know...he lied, yet again." I said, mounted the horse and rode away. I only had a few more places to look, but one place seemed pretty obvious.

I rode into town and walked up to the apartment once I arrived and knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw a woman standing there.

"Can I help you?" She asked me.

"Are Mister Holmes or Mister Watson here?" I asked.

"Oh no ma'am. I'm here to clean for Mister Watson. They went down to the cafe on the corner." She said and I sighed.

"Thank you." I said and walked down the steps quickly. I walked briskly down to the cafe and looked through the window.

There sitting inside, talking intently were Sherlock and Watson. I sighed. I was annoyed but also relieved that he was safe. They seemed in their own little world, so I didn't want to disturb them, nor cause a scene in public.

I walked back to the apartment and stopped before going in. I needed to make another stop being I just sat here and waiting. I knew what I needed to do but I needed to be quick, I went to where I left my horse and quickly left. I got back to the cottage, did what I needed and then left again. I got back to the apartment unsure if they were back yet, I rushed up the stairs. I knew where the spare key was, I figured I would just go inside whether they were back or not. I went inside, noticing it was still empty, so I sat in the armchair that faced the door and just waited.

The sun had set by the time the door to the apartment opened. Sherlock and Watson came walking in still talking, not noticing me. "It couldn't have been her Sherlock. With all the sightings we've had of her over the past month, it doesn't fit the pattern." Watson said. They both then looked and saw me.

"Portia? What are you doing here?!" Sherlock asked in shock.

"Well, I was sitting at home waiting for my husband to come home so we could go to dinner." I stated and he growled to himself dropping his head.

"Shit, Portia I forgot we planned dinner." Sherlock said and I half nodded.

"Yeah, seems like you and Watson had a good time going somewhere while the maid cleaned and talked about who I can only assume was Irene...?" I asked and they just looked at each other. "Exactly." I said standing up. "You promised me Sherlock, you promised me two months ago that if you ever got any more knowledge of her, whether it be a whisper you wouldn't leave me in the dark. We were supposed to be a team. I was supposed to be a part of this." I said and Sherlock just slightly nodded. Watson was staying out of it, knowing this was between Sherlock and me.

"Portia, I was going to tell you at dinner..."

"The dinner you were late to?! Sherlock when I came looking for you, you were already it over two hours! So much time as past since then! I can't do this Sherlock! I didn't know if something had happened to you, I didn't know if Irene had gotten to you or hell even worse. I mean you told me you were with Enola! Then come to find out you lied to me about working with her. Sherlock I can't take the lies anymore. I can't take this, I can't anymore." I said and he just looked at me.

"What are you saying Portia?" Sherlock asked. I grabbed the bag from beside the chair and walked over to him, handing it to him.

"It means I can't be with you right now Sherlock. I'm sorry but I'm done. Here is a bag of a few of your things. You can come by and get more but I won't be there when you do so make sure to tell me." I said. I leaned up and kissed his cheek and went to walk out. He grabbed my upper arm gently to stop me.

"Please Portia, don't do this..." Sherlock begged in a whisper.

"I didn't Sherlock, you did." I said. He released my arm, I gave Watson a small nod and I walked out.

I didn't cry until I got home and noticed how empty it was now. All the love that was made, all the loving nights we had, Sherlock and I cuddled by the fire...all of it. It was all over, the cottage was now cold and empty. I sat on the couch and just started crying. Everyone would finally be proven right. Marrying Sherlock Holmes was the biggest mistake I could have ever made.

Never Gone: A Study in Suitors Part Two ⭐Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ