Chapter 41: A Dream

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There was nothing that you could have done to prevent everyone, including you, from falling into deep slumber the next time the light would flicker in the train.

Just like before, you were sitting between Tanjiro and Rengoku, head leaning on the older man's shoulder and Tanjiro's head snug comfortably in the crook of your neck.

The last thing you remembered, was you trying to shake or pinch yourself awake. However, as you only could hear the soft breaths and a sweet silence around you, it was impossible to resist the temptation of falling asleep.

For a few moments, there was nothing. It felt like you were falling deeply into something watery underneath you. You could neither hear or see anything. The experience was almost numbing, as if you were not even present anymore.

Suddenly though, you could feel some kind of footing underneath you again. Something soft and warm was then tickling your skin, slowly but surely coaxing you awake. But as you opened your eyes, all you could see was a haze of blur. The only thing you were able to tell was, that it was light here...maybe sunny...?

Also, that smell...Generally the whole air around you seemed so familiar, as if you had been here before a long time ago...Plus, it was a bit were definitely inside somewhere.


What was that...?


I'm holding something in my hand...What is it...?


For the first time in a while, you fully opened your eyes, haze stripping away like a curtain. You took a deep breath of air and as your lungs filled, you could feel yourself getting more conscious of yourself and your surroundings by the second.

"You can come down again, we got something to eat before we continue cleaning up here. If you want, you can also take a break afterwards. You have done the most so far", a soft chuckle could be heard, one that you have not heard in forever, "Sorry about that, at least we got your favorite!"

Your heart was beating out of your chest. The person was behind you and you did not dare to turn around. There was just this huge fear inside you, that told you not to look, to not even think about looking...because if you would would never look away again...

Before you could get the courage to swallow down this huge amount of anxiety, the person continued speaking "So, come down when you're ready, okay?"

Wait...they are leaving..., for some reason you did not like that idea. The thought of never being able to see them again suddenly popped into your mind with a painful weight.

As your heart was about to leap out of your chest, you spun around, a desperate yell leaving your dry throat "Don't leave me!!"

However, the only thing that you were able to see, was how the little square shaped door in the floor closed up. The person was gone again, you could quietly hear their steps downstairs getting further away from where you were again.

And when you were not able to hear them anymore, you started to carefully look around.

This place was littered with boxes, every single one of them stuffed with things that no one really needed. The floor, walls and everything was out of wood, that would surely creak if you moved around too much.

Then, you looked down at yourself and finally, you saw what was in your hand. With caution, you lifted the metallic object, the sunlight that sneaked through a window above you making it glint and shimmer in your hand like a rare gemstone.

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