Chapter 4: Last Chance

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"Oh, and over there is a flower shop! When it's spring, they have the most beautiful tulips! If you want, we can go in and see what they have in stock right now", Tanjiro ended his speech with a question towards you. However, you were so delighted to listen to him talk, that you were not able to filter out his question. Your head could still not wrap around the fact that you actually were here, talking with him and holding onto his hand. You sighed happily; this is truly a blessing...

"Uh [name]?", Tanjiro halted and you looked at him a little thrown off.

"S-Sorry! I was distracted", you tried to explain and sheepishly scratched your head, "I like to listen to you."

Tanjiro smiled and laughed "That's sweet of you to say. I was scared, that you were getting bored of me rambling on like this."

"No way!", you exclaimed, "What did you ask?"

Tanjiro pointed to a shop on the left and gave you one of the gentlest smiles you had ever seen "I asked you, if you would like to go into this flower shop with me."

You nodded vigorously and pulled him in the direction of the small building like an excited kid. Who knows when you would get the chance again to shop peacefully with Tanjiro like this? The thought of what soon was to come made your heart drop. You usually tried to shake it off as soon as possible but sometimes that was a little difficult. You felt so...guilty and...useless. You knew all these things and yet there was almost nothing that you could do, to prevent these horrible events from happening.

As you two entered the shop, you were greeted by lots of different scents. Your eyes immediately skimmed over the area and you were surprised by how many different flowers you could admire. There was lots of bush clover, many strands of Japanese silver grass, beautiful pink carnations and cute little balloon flowers.

While you were admiring the pretty flowers, a content smile settled on Tanjiros face. Seeing you so happy and excited made him feel so much warmer. He could not really explain why, but ever since he and his family met you, there was this longing to keep you happy and safe. Tanjiro was sure, that he was not the only one feeling this way. Everyone always made sure, that you were feeling well, even though you did not know each other for that long. No one could really explain it, but it was not like anyone really minded. It seemed like you were like a part of to the family now.

With that thought in mind, it made him question your views on everything. Did you even want to be part of his family in that way? He knew that you did not remember much about your past, which made everyone worry about you even more at the beginning of your arrival. You had made it clear, that there was no one waiting for you and that you had nothing to go back to at the moment. That was the initial reason, why you were allowed to stay with them. After all, you always helped around the house whenever you could and made sure that his siblings were having a great time. You always managed to bring a certain warmth with you and just put a smile on everyone's faces when you were around. Tanjiro saw how much everyone adored you for that, him included. He was sure, that you did not even notice the impact you had on his home and family, because for some reason he could always smell a certain sadness coming from you.

"Tanji, look how beautiful!", your eyes were fixated on the carnations. There was something so mesmerizing about the raw beauty of this type of flower. The rich pink was a color so fun and refreshing in this cold season, where the leaves were starting to fall down from the trees one by one.

Tanjiro could not help but smile even more fondly at you. He was beyond glad, that he found you on that day in the forest. "These are really beautiful", his eyes leaving your form only for a split second.

"Can I help you with something?", an elderly woman with a gentle smile on her face came over to the two of you.

You already wanted to deny her service, explaining that you were just admiring the different kinds of plants, when Tanjiro gave an answer instead "Could we please have a small bunch of these carnations?"

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