Chapter 39: New Horizons

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"Where are Tanjiro and Inosuke?", you asked, when you stepped into the room, those two familiar boys nowhere in sight.

Aoi turned to you, answering your question "They said something about their new nichirin blades being delivered."

"Oh", you smiled at her.

However, then the image of a fuming sword smith called Haganezuka, with a menacing aura surrounding the man screaming bloody murder, your heart dropped down to the deepest pit of your stomach.

"OH NO!", you ran towards Aoi, shaking her by the shoulder, "Tanjiro broke his sword! He broke his sword!! He is going to kill him!!!" You knew if everything went according to canon, Tanjiro would make it out alive somehow. Still, the fright from that man's anger chilled your bones and made your blood run cold at the same time, even if the wrath was not directed towards you, thank goodness-

"What are you talking about? Who is he?", Aoi managed to bring out in between your shakes.

You stopped moving the girl abruptly, getting closer towards her face as if the man would suddenly appear next to you, if you spoke his name just loud enough "Haganezuka..."

"Ah...", Aoi only could say, when the name registered in her head.

"Let's check it out then!", Shinobu chirped from behind you with a pointed finger and a sweet smile on her face, which made you nod eagerly in response "ASAP!"

You pulled Aoi with you by the hand, as she only questioned herself with a confused look "A-what?"

When the three of you ended up outside, you were greeted with the sight of a mad swordsmith chasing Tanjiro, a shining knife in the masked man's hand.

You watched with frightened eyes, gulping as your throat went dry at the thought of you breaking your sword. Luck had been on your side that day...

Inosuke just stood there, eyes following the chasing scene as well, but he neither did or said anything.

"Are they doing a new form of training?", Shinobu asked and giggled, when she saw your spooked expression, it looked like you were spiraling in your head.

Aoi also side-eyed you "I don't think so..."

"Why don't we lead them inside! After all, they came a long way to deliver their craftsmanship!", Shinobu announced, voice louder than before to also reach the other people in front of you.

Haganezuka was currently trying to ram his knife into the poor Tanjiro, who managed to hold the man by his arms, slightly shaking by the force that was put onto him.

The swordsmith did not seem to listen, but he still turned his head and froze completely, when he saw you standing among the little watchful crowd that had accumulated.

"YOU!", he harshly pointed his hand towards you and you started getting weak in the knees.

When the man let off of Tanjiro, the boy fell back, breathing heavily as his life had just flashed before his eyes. What a nerve wrecking experience. He knew the man was intense, but not to this extend!

With big and heavy steps, Haganezuka stepped closer towards you, making you cower away ever so slightly.

When he came to a stop, you held your breath.

Whatever it is that I did- I'M SORRY!, you screamed in your head, not able to voice it out loud, but hoping your eyes were conveying the emotion instead.

Suddenly, he plopped his hand on top of your head and started rubbing it roughly "Good young little slayer, I knew you were reliable!", his voice went from a praising tone to a scolding one yet again, when he turned to the burgundy haired boy on the ground, "Unlike you, clumsy runt!"

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