Bonus Chapter: Gift Giving

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!A/N:! This is a little bonus chapter I wrote as thanks for all the support! I really hope you enjoy and thank you so much for the support!! Thank you so so much!! Reading all your comments never fails to make my day and I'm so grateful for every single person who decides to read my stuff! So, really, thank you so much! Now, let's get to this bonus...Have fun~

"What do you mean you've never celebrated their birthday?? Don't you know each for like years??", Zenitsu was appalled by his burgundy haired friend's statement. How could he do such a thing? An angel like you should be treated like royalty on their birthday! Well, in fact every day but that was not the point at the moment-

"[name] never actually told me about their birthday...and we did not really have time to think about it much with everything that was going on...", Tanjiro tried to excuse himself, but he now too started feeling bad about this whole random topic that came up this morning at the wisteria crest. How could he not have thought of asking you about your birthday for years? He was a little ashamed of himself, if he had to be honest. It felt like he was a terrible friend to you now.

"What even is a birthday? What do you do?", Inosuke asked in a boorish tone. He was wondering how a single day could be so special.

"A birthday is when you celebrate the day you were born on, as you get a year older", Tanjiro tried to explain the concept to him, "Usually the person gets gifts from their family and friends."

Inosuke grunted in acknowledgement and then asked curiously, when something piqued his interest "You get gifts?"

"Let's celebrate [name's] birthday- NO- ALL of their birthdays we've missed up until now-!!", Zenitsu suddenly exclaimed dramatically. He was sure you would love it! Plus, he had an excuse to dote on you for an entire day and no one could say anything against it this time! His heart started to run a marathon at the thought of your smiling face directed towards him. He sighed dreamily for a moment, lost in his personal heaven like so often.

"That would be like 15-", Tanjiro tried to point out how silly that idea was, but the other love-struck boy did not listen to him "We will cook food for them, maybe something sweet- and get lots of presents- maybe flowers? What about flowers?? WHAT TYPE OF FLOWERS DO THEY EVEN LIKE??", Zenitsu was running through the room and halted in front of Tanjiro, expecting him to answer the question immediately.

Said boy only started sweating more "I don't know...", he thought back to the day you both went to the town near his home and bought these pink carnations...that was years ago...He had no idea if that indeed were your favorite types of flowers...heck, did he even know your favorite color??

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW? HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW SUCH CRUCIAL INFORMATION??", Zenitsu was relentlessly shaking Tanjiro by his shoulders as if he could shake the answers, he wanted, out of him

"Who the hell even wants flowers? That's so lame", Inosuke grunted, "My personal underling needs a much cooler gift!"

"OH SHUT IT, YOU- You didn't even know what a birthday was to begin with!", Zenitsu shot back and earned an angered response from the boar headed boy "HUH!? YOU WANNA FIGHT?? I BET MY GIFT WILL BE BETTER THAN YOURS!!"


And just like that, the competition of who is going to have the best gift for you started.

Tanjiro silently decided to also participate. There was this slight feeling in his chest, that told him he would for sure have the best gift for you. After all, he knew you the best...right?

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