Chapter 13: Slicing Boulders

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A lot happened in the following six months. Besides your daily training – where you usually felt like you were on the brink of death afterwards – the others were starting to have little competitions against each other every other day. What about?

Did you notice it? Yes, you were not blind after all. Did you say anything about it? Nope, this was your one chance of creating a harem! You laughed at that thought Seriously though, it does feel a little like it sometimes...

"[name], I brought you something to eat! Your favorite, exactly how you like it!", Tanjiro wore a dazzling smile on his face and you could have sworn you saw a halo appearing above his head.

"Thank you, Tanji! You're such an angel! I don't deserve you!", you were almost crying. After you had been beaten up by Sabito again, this was just what you needed. You thought this was heaven.

Tanjiro made sure to stand proudly, with his head held high, as he glanced at Makomo.

Even though it was still a somewhat friendly competition, Makomo never held back.

As soon as Tanjiro turned his gaze towards you again, wanting to see more of your cute reactions, his eyes bulged out of their sockets and he could not withhold a baffled noice.

"Here [name], let me feed you. After all, you worked so hard today!", Makomo was gently putting food in your mouth, as she smiled at you. You could feel yourself getting warmer from her closeness. When was the last time I got fed like this?, you felt a little emotional at that thought.

How did she get there so fast??, Tanjiro screamed in his head, Wasn't she just over there a few seconds ago? It seemed like he must not take his eyes off the girl for one second, or she would already make her next move.

Makomo grinned devilishly at him and made sure to gently wipe crumbs from your mouth, that were totally there by the way. While doing so, she noticed how soft your lips were...

You, on the other hand, were barely finished with your food, when a voice started to pull you back down from your personal heaven "Get over here [name]."

"Again??", you whined and Sabito just gestured you to hurry up.

You got up with a sigh and thanked the other two for their kindness by giving them both a short side-hug. It was enough to make them feel accomplished for the day.

After walking up to the boy, you stood before him and readied your stance, like always. Internally, you already prepared yourself for a beating.

Sabito then just casually walked over to you and at that you stiffened. Were you supposed to attack him already or should you wait?

Before you could make a decision concerning that though, he stopped and stood closely behind you.

"Your biggest problem is your stance. You are way too stiff", Sabito said sternly.

No sh*t Sherlock, you thought dumbfounded.

He then carefully placed his hands on your arms and began to position them to his liking "You see, if you lower your forearms a little like this", his hands started to travel, "and you relax your shoulders up here just a bit", he emphasized his words by squeezing them, which send a shiver down your spine, "it is way easier for you to execute the different forms, as you incorporate a more open position. This makes you more flexible." His face was directly next to your ear now "Doesn't that feel better?", he said in a low voice, which made you crumble. If he would not have worn his fox mask, you were sure you would have been able to feel his breath gracing your skin.

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