Chapter 26: "Rest" Time

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Daytime was turning into nighttime as your group was making their way towards a so-called wisteria crest, guided by Tanjiro's crow and your magpie Sakomo.

Your eyes were currently glued to your black and white companion with feathers. The way Sakomo flew above you made flying seem so easy. You wished you could do it too, because all of this walking was slowly starting to make you go crazy.

"[name], if you want you can give me the box again", Tanjiro said and shook you out of your daze.

"No", you said and smiled over your shoulder at him, "It's fine!"

Zenitsu had decided to walk by himself again, after you had managed to peel Inosuke off of him and Tanjiro. First, it was easier to flee if the boar decided to attack again. Second, he could walk closer to you, which was the main reason actually.

So, Tanjiro felt almost useless to not carry anything or rather anyone right now. It felt kind of wrong to him, to let you carry his sister on your back. After all, it was his duty...or not? The boy took a deep sigh.

You noticed that and slowed down your pace to match it with his, resulting in falling behind a bit. "What's wrong? Does something hurt? Are you not feeling well?"

"No, I'm okay", he eyed the box on your back for a second.

"Geez", you leaned closer, as if you wanted to tell him a secret, "You carry her all the time. Let me do this one little thing for you two. You deserve a break like anyone else."

Tanjiro's eyes widened at you and the proximity of your face. It was almost like he had the urge to pull back out of nervousness, but...he did not want to. His heart longed for you to just stay close like this for the rest of the walk.

"How far is it??", Zenitsu whined, while he dragged his feet above the ground with a slither. His hands and head hung loosely from his body, drained from the events of the day.

"HAHA, you're so lame!", Inosuke's gruff voice chimed out from the front, "I could walk like this for days!", he declared, when striking various poses.

"Ugh", was all Zenitsu could bring out. This constant bragging was really starting to get on his nerves.

"I'm sure it's not far anymore", your voice rang out, making both of their heads turn to you, "And we all know Inosuke, you are the ultimate best."

Said boy laughed loudly again, bathing in his pushed self-confidence. You found out that praising him was one of the best methods to shut him up. It always managed to distract him and keep him down for a few minutes. So, why not do just that?

"You're really stroking his ego, [name]", Tanjiro commented with a smirk at the glowing boar headed boy walking in front of him.

"I know, but at least he is keeping it down like that", you shrugged and could not keep yourself from smiling at Inosuke, which Tanjiro's keen eyes immediately noticed.

"I don't know angel", Zenitsu slowed his pace to walk closer to you again, "Giving him too many treats will eventually make him even more insufferable."

You snorted and managed to contain your laughter "Don't be mean."

"I think Zenitsu is right though", Tanjiro linked into the conversation, "It's similar with children", he lifted a finger like a teacher, while making a cute face, "Pampering them too much will make them spoiled and ungrateful."

The comparison with Inosuke to a toddler was way too funny to you and also a bit accurate. "Didn't know you are a parent, Tanji", you joked.

"AH- I just- you know- with my siblings- and-", the boy suddenly got red at the thought and waved his hands around nervously.

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