Chapter 23: Roller Coaster

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"Here it goes...Comin'...through!", the slight slashing of metal could be heard as Inosuke sprung up into an attack. You watched with excitement glimmering in your eyes. He was the next canon character you would meet and you were so hyped!

"Infuriating...Infuriating!", Kyogai mumbled angered, before hitting on one of his drums again, turning the room around.

This made you fall down with Teruko in your arms. She was yelping in fear, but you were holding her close to you, so she would not slip out of your grasp. Again, you managed a perfect landing, as you were prepared for the developments of these events. If things would continue to go smoothly like this, you would not have to worry about this fight too much. Then again, when did things ever go smoothly around here?

"[name], Teruko are you alright?!", Tanjiro called out to the two of you with concern and you nodded at him. Then your eyes widened, when you saw a shadow from above flying towards your friend "Uh Tanji-!" It was too late, Inosuke already stepped on his shoulder, using him as a springboard.

Tanjiro turned to the strange boy with a grimace on his face "That demon is a caster! You can't just slash him with a sword!"

However, Inosuke just rushed through the air while laughing menacingly, not caring for what Tanjiro had just said. The boy went in to relentlessly attack the demon like a wild beast. However, with every attack he launched, the demon was prepared to play his drums and spin him away.

Amidst all this tossing and turning, you started to get motion sick which caused you to miss a turn, crashing into Tanjiro. The boy tried to get a hold of you, but you just shoved Teruko in his arms as you fell further and hit the ground a little too harshly for your liking. That fall sure did not look graceful, nor was it painless. Good thing you gave the girl to Tanjiro beforehand.

However, as soon as you felt something heavy pressing down onto your back, you frowned in confusion.

"The room can spin. Now this is what I call a fun time! HAHAHA", Inosuke laughed loudly, as he was literally stepping on you.

"H-Hey! Get off me!", you squirmed underneath him, but it was no use. Inosuke pretended to not see you, even though he was figuratively on top of you! Geez, he is so heavy-

Suddenly, Tanjiro appeared out of nowhere right beside you, grabbed onto Inosuke's foot and threw him away with such force that it surprised you and left you gawking.

"Are you okay [name]?!", he asked almost frantically as his eyes scanned you for any injuries. Teruko came to you with small steps again, wrapping her hands around your waist. It seemed like she got worried about you too.

"Y-Yeah, it's all good. Don't worry about it", you waved your hands around, trying to defuse the situation. Even though Inosuke was not as light as a feather, you would not want to stir more conflict. Of course, you were slightly annoyed with him, but that could wait until later.

"Don't step on another person like that!", Tanjiro yelled when he turned to the boar headed boy.

"Who the hell are you kid?", he only grunted in response, making the snout of his mask move a bit. Who are you calling "kid"? Aren't we all the same age?, you thought with a twitching eyebrow.

Tanjiro now wrapped an arm around you protectively while pointing at Inosuke "Stepping on them like that! What are you thinking?" He was so angry right now. Not only did this guy not listen to a single thing he told him about the demon, he also just blatantly stepped on you as if you were some kind of rug or something. How dare he? If he would not be in a mansion full of demons at the moment, Tanjiro would not be using words right now-

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