Chapter 6: Destroyed Happiness

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TW: gore; angst; cruelty

... whenever happiness is destroyed, there's always... the smell of blood.

Darkness. Coldness. Fearfulness. Loneliness. These were a few things that came to your mind, while you were drifting away on a seemingly endless river of pitch blackness, which took away your consciousness and made you want to hold on tight to your last memories.

Were you dead or did you just black out? Did everything get destroyed, which you promised to protect? Did all of your efforts go to waste?

Why are you even surprised, what did you expect to happen? A miracle?

You did not know. Your heart was always hopping for a change, for a slight difference, grasping onto the last bit of hope, that you constantly carried with you. Was hopping such a bad thing?

When something bad happened, there would always be a next day. When you failed at something, there would always be another time to try, right...? The earth never stopped turning and the sun would always rise again...or not? Not this time.

You wanted to cry and scream in agony, but you were not able to do anything...again. The constant inability to just do something and bring change was dangerously close to robbing you of your last hopes.

However, there was a light, that you could feel in your heart. It was nondescript, fragile and only giving small rays of warmth, but it was there. It was still lit, guiding you through the endless darkness. Showing you, that there is more, that there is light left. It was like your last hope that never seemed to leave you. Hopelessness was something you thought you would feel, something you wanted to feel, but you did not. A small light continued to flicker within in you, not going out.

Unexpectedly, you felt yourself being pulled out of the darkness. The heaviness left your body and the light shortly engulfed you in a warm embrace.

Finally, the tears streamed down your face, which you were desperately trying to let out.

Finally, you could feel every fiber of your body again, not caring about its dreadful pain.

Finally, you were able to let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Then you opened your eyes and for the first time in days, you could see clearly. You made eye contact with dark red ones, which were starring at you in utter horror. After that, images flashed before your eyes like a sped-up movie: Everyone's lifeless bodies, the walls, the floors and themselves covered in crimson red, creating a metallic smell in the air. You then only noticed, you were right in the middle of it, broken wooden plates covering you like a blanket, stuck between the horrific scenery. To stunned by the shock and the sudden realization, you were unable to move.

Tanjiros mind raced as his eyes laid upon your almost broken form. On instinct he moved forward, grabbed your arms and pulled you out of the house. Your eyes never breaking from each other's stare. Not even wanting to blink due to the fear, that you are going to lose each other.

After a few seconds, he stopped pulling and with a chocked cry you got up. Everything hurt, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Dizziness settled in and you wavered in your step. Tanjiro finally managed to say something, only then you realized Nezuko on his back, looking like she was sleeping peacefully "[name]- Nezuko's the only one who's still warm. If we can get her to a doctor, she might survive!"

You still felt like you were not present yet, your eyes starring at him almost lifelessly. It scared the poor boy. Tanjiro took it upon himself to grab your wrist and just start running. His mind was clouded with so many thoughts while his chaw was clenching in utter despair. How did this happen? Was it a bear? Was it a bear that wasn't able to hibernate? I can't breathe! The air's so icy! My lungs hurt! Keep moving forward! Move your legs faster! We still have a long way to go before we reach town. Hurry! I won't let you die, Nezuko!, for a split second he looked back at your empty eyes, And I won't let you lose yourself, [name]!

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