Chapter 27: Next Mission

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It was another evening at the wisteria crest. Among some occasional chaos with the boys, you actually had gotten a decent amount of rest up until now. At the moment, you were in fact curled up in your bed already dozing a bit off. For some reason, you were incredibly tired today.

Maybe it was because Inosuke had decided to teach you, as his underling, how to sprint away from a fast-approaching enemy. He had pretended to be a wild animal – which was not far from being his usual self as a matter of fact – almost the whole day, running around the place on all fours. At first, you thought it was funny. But sometimes he scared you almost to death, when he suddenly appeared around a corner and you had to run for your dear life. Plus, Inosuke did not have mercy on you as he literally pounced on you as soon as he got the chance.

Or, you could also be tired because Zenitsu and you had a talk about marriage and you told him that you thought that the concept of it was based on possession. Attempting to exercise control over another person's life could be dangerous and therefore, marriage should not always be encouraged and promoted as the ultimate declaration of love. At least that is something that you once read in an article a long, looong time ago. And since you had not really thought that much about marriage up until now, it had been the only thing you could contribute to the conversation. Frankly speaking, Zenitsu was devastated and gloomy for a few hours.

Your thoughts were interrupted, when all of a sudden you heard some thuds around you.

"Neeezuko-chan~!", a sweet bubbly voice rang in your ears, "How are you doing today~?"

More footsteps could be heard, running around the room in circles and the giggling of a certain blonde made you pull your head out from under the blanket a bit.

"Zenitsu, can you please behave yourself?", the running was suddenly stopped by a calm but stern voice, which belonged to non-other than Tanjiro. He wanted to protect his little sister.

"Tanjiiiirooo~", Zenitsu stepped a bit forward as said boy made a startled noise at him.

"Let's get along, Tanjiro!"

"Zenitsu, what has gotten into you?"

"Don't say that, Tanjiro...Oh, Nezuko~"

Then, the running reassumed and you took a deep sigh "Guys, what on earth are you doing...?", you spoke with a croaky voice and you slowly sat up. Your brain already seemed to have gone into sleep mode, because all you could do was drowsily blink at them with a confused look on your face.

Three heads turned to you and stopped what they were doing as soon as they heard your voice.

"Ah! Sorry [name]!", Tanjiro apologized upon seeing your tired state. He had to admit to himself, that you looked cute this way...a little bit in a daze and all over the place.

Nezuko was quick to rush towards you and proceeded to jump on top of you to cuddle up under your blanket.

"Oh- hello there Nez", you greeted her with a smile and wrapped your arms around her. At that, she hummed in delight and closed her eyes for a while.

Suddenly you could hear someone sniffling...

Was someone...crying?

You looked up, which only confirmed your suspicion.

"L-Look at this beautiful sight Tanjiro", Zenitsu pulled on the other boy's sleeve, "My little angel and Nezuko cuddled up together like this", he could not hold back a slight whimper, "I wish I could capture this moment forever!!"

Tanjiro looked at the other boy puzzled and tried to put some distance between the two of them, as Zenitsu was still clinging onto his arm. The blond did not let got though "No, Tanjiro- console me!"

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