21- Epilogue

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Two years after they graduated, Ron finally proposed to her under a tree at the Burrow. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was simple, just like Ron. Hermione obviously said yes, and their wedding day was decided.

Breathing nervously, Hermione gulped as she nervously held her bouquet. Dressed in a beautiful white dress and a veil, she smiled nervously at her father,who stared down lovingly into her eyes.
"I'm so nervous," she said, smiling at her father.
"Me too," her dad chuckled.
Ginny, dressed in a simple pink dress, smiled at Hermione.
"It's time," she squealed happily.
Taking a deep breath, she held her father's arms as she walked slowly down the aisle, where Ron stood nervously, his face as red as his hair. His jaws dropped as he saw Hermione in her wedding dress.
Hermione bit her lips, blushing as she saw Ron. Her father teared up slightly as he handed Hermione to Ron. Hermione mouthed an 'I love you' to her father before she turned to Ron.
Ron hands shook as he held Hermione's. They smiled nervously at each other as they turned to face the front, hand in hand. When George, read the oath to both of them, they both answered with 'I do' shakily and the ring was exchanged.

"You may now kiss the bride," George said, his lips breaking into a smile they had not seen since the death of Fred.
Ron pushed away Hermione's veil as he kissed her gently and the audience cheered. Molly and Mrs. Granger teared up in the front row. Harry smiled proudly at them as he filmed everything with a Muggle camera.

They broke apart, smiling widely at each other. Ron grinned shyly as he saw his best friend, who was now his partner for life. Hermione blushed as she felt Ron's gaze upon her.
"Let's go," Hermione said, smiling as she grabbed Ron's hands, pointing to the dance floor.
Ron smiled and followed as he recalled memories from the Yule Ball.
'Finally,' he said to himself.

They ran up to the dance floor, smiling at each other shyly as they began the first dance, hand in hand.


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