17- Finding Answers

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Drawing a plan on how to bring the real Ron back, Hermione turned in her bed, not able to sleep. It was already 3 in the morning.
"Day-4 since Ron drank the potion," she murmured.
Deciding a cup that tea would help, she walked down in her bath robes down in the common room where she smelled sweet chamomile scent, lingering in the air.
"Chamomile," she said, when she found Ron sitting in the couch with a mug.
Ron turned her way, surprised.
"Blimey, you scared me, Hermione," Ron smiled.

Hermione almost believed that Ron wasn't changed. The way how he couldn't sleep properly every night without being anxious since the war, how he called her name. Everything seemed like nothing had changed.

She sat down gently next to Ron.
"What kept you up so late?" Hermione asked.
"I don't know. That's what I've been trying to figure out the last few hours," he chuckled softly. However, there was something in his chuckle.
"You don't sound too happy," Hermione stated.
"I do? Well, yes. I'm not happy, but I'm not sad either. I'm feeling more..."
"Yes. I don't know to be honest. The last few days had been extremely confusing for me,"
"Really? How is that so?"
"I can't explain it. But, for example, when I see food for instance. I feel something in me that tells me to eat lots of it. But something tells me I shouldn't,"
"What's wrong with that?"
"You see. My heart tells me to eat a lot of it. But my head, up here, says no,"
Hermione raised her eyebrows.
"I can't explain it. Argh!" He suddenly yelped.
"What's wrong?" Hermione jumped.
"Oh, it's nothing. It's this pain I've been feeling in my head the last few days," Ron groaned, his hand on his head.
They sat in silence until Hermione decided she wanted to see his reaction.

"You've changed, a lot, since the Qudditch Tournaments," she said.
"I did? I've never seen you before it,"
"Ron, you might not remember, but you and I were pretty close before the tournaments. That's why I've been jumping at you the day you came back,"
"Oh, I get it. So you're one of the RAC?"
"Blimey, no," she laughed, "I was your friend,"
"Really? You don't look like the type I would die to be friends with, no offense intended,"
Hermione smiled as she thought of the first day they met.
"Yes. Our relationship wasn't too good. You absolutely hated me,"
"I thought so. No offense, once again,"
"But we did get close. I was close with Harry too,"
"Look, I don't know a single thing about you. Kate confirmed I've never seen you anyways," Ron shook his head.

Hermione stared at him thoughtfully.
"When did you start dating Kate? Do you know?"
Ron smirked as he opened his mouth confidently. However, he paused, his smile fading away slowly. His lips closed shut slowly as his head tilted to the side.
"Strange. I thought I knew. I can't remember exactly. She was always there from a certain point I can't quite remember," He scratched his head.
"Come on, Ron. You call her your girlfriend," Hermione smiled teasingly in the dark.
"I do, " he said, offended, "we started going out in May."
"Really." Ron's hands rubbing against the couch nervously.
"No," Hermione said it for him.
"No," Ron agreed as he groaned.
"Would you believe me if I told you your memory was lost?" Hermione asked gently.

Ron looked up at her with a horrified face.
"My memory lost? Merlin's beard, that's not possible," he laughed.
"What if it is true?" Hermione asked, sitting closer to him.
"It's not," Ron said, confidently.
Hermione, however, smiled with such confidence that Ron's confidence wavered slightly.
"I remember everything. My name, my family, what I've learned in class, Harry, the War," he fell silent.
Hermione's heart ached as she saw how even the fake Ron felt the same pain Ron felt for Fred. After all, even the fake Ron was still Ron.
"I do. I do remember everything. I came back to school after the war," Ron said, his voice slightly down.
"Do you remember why you came back, Ron?" Hermione asked. Her voice quavered slightly.
She bit her lips as she slapped herself mentally trying to hide her tears. She felt horrible. She brought him back to face all of this. She had been so selfish.
Ron stared blankly at her.
"Ouch," he yelped suddenly, grabbing his head.
Hermione went to his aid, but he told her it was fine.
"Hey," he suddenly said, his eyes looking up to meet Hermione's.

Hermione stared back at his eyes, hopeful.
"This is definitely not the first time we have encountered," Ron said.
'That's it? That's it???' Hermione screamed mentally.
"Nope," she popped her 'p'.
"You were there. In the train, when I came to Hogwarts," Ron said.
Hermione nodded, her eyes never falling off Ron.

Ron remained silent, and he seemed to be deep in thought. A moment of silence passed by, when Ron spoke up.
"Did something really happen to me?"
Hermione laughed softly,
"Maybe," she replied softly.
She saw the hand of the clock pointing to 4 am.
She stood up.
"Oh, no. You're not leaving anywhere without giving me an answer," Ron smiled, standing up, blocking her path.
Hermione shrugged as she gave him a mysterious smile.
"I'll give you answers," she walked past Ron, "but you have to come looking for them."
With that, Hermione bid him goodnight as she walked upstairs.

Ron stared blankly at the staircase she just disappeared from.
"Lunatic," he huffed, "but not as crazy as I expected."
He smirked in the end as he went back to bed.

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