6- Walk

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Hermione sat in her usual spot in the library and dumped her pile of books with a slam onto the table. Ron plopped down right next to her as he watched her flip open a book.

Ron observed her studying. Hermione blushed as she snapped her head towards Ron.
"Could you not stare at me like that? It's really...embarrassing," she said, her face flushing.
Ron ignored her comment as he smiled cheekily and continued to stare at her. Hermione jokingly pushed his hand away as Ron grabbed her hand. Ron raised his eyebrows, still smiling, as he scooted closer to Hermione as she glowered at him, even though she was biting her lips trying not to smile. Ron smiled, his face inches away. Hermione's heart was beating crazily in her ribs that she was afraid Ron might hear it.
He backed away quickly and sat lazily in his chair.
"Do you really have to study on the weekends? It's really boring. Come on, let's go to Hogsmeade or something. I'll buy you a treat," Ron said.
"What treat?"
Ron's eyes glittered as he sat straight up. He always did that when the topic of food came up.
"We could go drink some butter beer. I haven't tasted it for so long," he said excitedly.
Hermione was slightly hesitant as she stared at her notes and Ron, but slammed her boom shut.
"Fine, you're buying," she smiled.
"Yes!!" Ron jumped up as he took her hand and ran out the library.
He was laughing the whole time as he ran towards the secret passage to Hogsmeade. It reminded Hermione of an incredibly happy dog.
He paused right before he went in. Hermione's heart sank. It was the very passage Fred had taught them. Ron gulped as he stared at the passage for a moment and turned to Hermione and smiled sadly as he whispered,
"Let's go."

Hermione laughed her head off as Ron swallowed and stuffed all kinds of dessert into his mouth.
"It's SOOO good!!"
Ron said as he continued to eat. Him and his passion for food.
"You know, I was considering on becoming an Auror with Harry when I graduated, but I'm thinking of becoming a chef. Wouldn't it be wonderful?" Ron said happily.
"Ron, we all know you have no talent at cooking. Like Ginny says all the time you're talented at eating, not cooking," Hermione laughed.
Ron pouted as he munched on his food.
"It was only once," he protested.
"Yeah. That once almost burned the Burrow down," Hermione said, giving him a smug smile.
Hermione was sipping on her Butterbeer when the door swung open and a group of girls walked in. It was getting pretty cold now, but the girls were wearing pretty short skirts that showed off their legs.
Hermione glanced at Ron but unlike the other boys who were gaping at the girls' legs, Ron's only interest was in food, which kinda made Hermione relax and disappointed at the same time.
When Hermione glanced back, she noticed Kate in the middle of that group. Kate's eyes lit up as she walked towards Ron quickly, waving her hands. Hermione pursed her lips as she called Ron.
"Ron!! Good to see you here," she called as she plopped down next to him. She naturally took a cupcake that was sitting on the plate.
"Mind if I take it?"
Hermione knew, that was Ron's favorite. Ron looked sad, but he nodded.
"Not really. Help yourself,"
Kate smiled at Ron and set the cupcake back down.
"I'm just joking. I know it's your favorite. Just trying to see your reaction," she smiled.
Ron's face lit up as he continued on drinking his Butterbeer.
"How did you know it's my favorite?" Ron asked, puzzled.
Hermione gave Ron the Ron-you-can-be-so-thick look, but he didn't see her.
Kate giggled as she chewed a piece of gum instead.
"Come on, isn't that like obvious? You've been like staring at that cupcake while you ate. Also,"She smiled flirtatiously before she continued, "you kind of saved our magical world, so like information about you is every where. You should be prepared for worse."
She winked.
Ron looked uncomfortable, but he laughed softly and let it past. The past Ron would have been incredibly flattered and all, but Ron was changed slightly after the war. The war gave him a deep cut that couldn't be healed.
Ron became slightly moody after Kate's mention of saving the magical world. He did, but he had to give up something else in the process.
Kate was quick to sense things going around and instantly realized Ron's mood change. She was smart, smart as in Slytherin smart. She gave Ron a pat on the back and left, nodding at Hermione. Hermione was now the one responsible for helping Ron get out of the emotional puddle Kate pushed Ron into without meaning to.
Kate left the table for her group of friends and Ron remained pretty quiet. He stopped eating. Hermione looked at him with worried eyes.
"Ron, are you okay?" Hermione asked.
"I don't feel like eating. I'm fine. I really am. I'll be right back. I need to use the rest room," Ron gave Hermione a reassuring smile.
Ron walked towards the restroom slowly. Hermione knew something was wrong, but he made it clear that he needed some time so she decided to stay. However, Ron took a little longer than she thought it would take him, and Hermione decided she couldn't leave him like that. Just as she headed towards the restrooms, Ron came out.
"Ron, are you really okay?" Hermione blurted.
"I'm fine. It was crowded in the bathroom," Ron said simply.

Hermione knew Ron had been crying for a while. His nose was red. However, he stated clearly that he wanted to stop, so Hermione followed him. Giving Kate a glare, Hermione took Ron's arm and left and took a walk along the long path towards Hogwarts. Nobody was there except them.

Hermione linked her arm through his, smiling. Ron rolled his eyes, smiling, as he kept walking.
"Do you remember when.." They talked.
Ron looked much happier than just now, and Hermione was relieved.
"Blimey, your hands are freezing," Ron exclaimed as his hands brushed hers.
"I'm fine," Hermione laughed, but Ron rolled his eyes.
"No, it's not. Blimey, Hermione. Give me your hand,"
Hermione blushed as she shook her head but Ron pulled her hand in his.
He wrapped her hands in his and warmed them. Hermione remained quiet as she blushed.
Ron's eyes and hers met and Ron smiled cheekily as suddenly began to tickle her.
"Ron, stop! I'm warning.." Hermione burst into laughter as she tried to run away.
Ron ran away, claiming that he was afraid of Hermione as Hermione ran right after him, all the way to Hogwarts, back home.

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