15- A Drop of Potion

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Kate went to her room and began to empty her huge bag, looking for something. She picked up a small pink bottle as she touched it gingerly. She really didn't want to use it. She had saved it for the worse, and the worse had come. She fished around her bag again and picked out another little box. It was a small box with an adorable cupcake inside. She had picked out Ron's favorited just a day ago as she prepared to leave for his trip.

She hesitated as she stared at the two objects for a while, until she twisted the cap open with a pop and let the liquid from the bottle trickle on the cupcake, making to glow and sparkle for a few seconds, and then fade again.

Putting the cupcake back in the box, she held it carefully as she returned to Ron. He was fast asleep, his smile still plastered on his face. She touched his cheeks gingerly as she whispered into his ears,


And left the cupcake on the table.

Ron woke up the next morning, his whole body aching. His bones were as good as new, but the after effects still hurt slightly. His bones made cracking noise as he raised himself up. His hands searched his pockets, but the note from Hermione wasn't there. Puzzled, he stood up, stretching. He found a piece of crumpled piece of paper.

'Somebody must have littered,' he thought to himself, as he walked past the paper and went to a table next to his bed. There were gifts and food from his fans and friends. His stomach rumbled as he went through the pile of food. There wasn't a lot, and a small box caught his eyes. He opened it, a sweet smell tempting him.

It was a cupcake.

'Breakfast,' he told himself as he picked it up and sat on his bed.
Peeling the skin off, he took a big bite of the creamy frosting, savoring the sweet vanilla taste. He took a deep bite. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his head and his chest. Groaning, he dropped the cupcake on the floor, grabbing his chest. He saw the cupcake shine for a second. That was when he realized, it was a trap.
But it was too late by then.


The Qudditch team came back a week later, welcomed by cheers of other students.
Hermione ran with a smile on her face, as she stopped right in front of Ron.
"Ron," she smiled.
He smiled at her as he walked towards her. Hermione reached out, but we walked straight past her.
He embraced the girl right behind her in the same Qudditch robe as him.
"I told you to wait for me," he smiled as he brushed a strand of Kate's hair behind her ears.
"Sorry," she smiled as she hugged him back, glancing at Hermione.
"Wait, Ron," Hermione called, grabbing his arm.
He turned around a blank expression on his face.
"Yes? May I help you?"
"Ron, what are you doing?"
Ron gave her a puzzled look.
"Don't mind her sweetie," Kate said as she turned Ron's face towards her, trying to get Ron away from her.
Ron shrugged as he walked away, leaving an extremely confused look.
"Are you still mad about the rumors?" Hermione asked, chasing after Ron as she broke Kate and Ron apart.
"What are you doing?"Ron yelled, clearly annoyed.
"What has gotten into you? Ron, what's wrong?" Hermione said, angry.
"Blimey, what's wrong with this girl?" Ron groaned frustratedly.
Suddenly, it got into Hermione's mind that Ron...didn't recognize her.
"Ron. Do you know who I am?" Hermione asked gently.
"No," he shouted, "I've never seen.."
"Ron, honey, please. Can we go?" Kate interrupted, glancing at Hermione nervously.

Hermione turned to Kate.
"WHAT DID YOU DO??" She yelled.
"What does that have to do with you?" Kate said, teasingly.
Ron pushed Hermione off to the side gently as he put his arms around Kate protectively.
"Come, let's go. I don't want to waste my time," Ron whispered in Kate's ears as he glared and walked away.

"Damn it," Hermione swore angrily as she kicked the pole right next to her.

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