13- Wind (2)

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"She won't do that," Ron said firmly, looking straight at Kate.
"Why don't you trust me? She said it firmly how Krum liked her last night," Kate said, holding on to his arm.
"Let me go," Ron said, pushing her arm away.
"Ron, please,"

Ron left her behind and walked towards the Qudditch field. Kate ran as she dragged Ron to a room.
Ron was annoyed.
She took out a recorder and played it. It fizzed for a while until it began.
"Yes, I was extremely annoyed. He was such a rude....urgh, I don't know anymore," Hermione's familiar voice spoke. It fizzed again.
"Yes. I still get annoyed when I think about it."
"He was scared. He was a coward."
"But no offense, I really enjoyed my date with Krum. I still contact him here and then. *fizz*He was a really sweet boy."

Ron knew very well that when Hermione called him a coward, it was talking about his mistake in the woods. His face turned pale as Hermione talked about Krum.
"Is this real?"
"Why would I lie?" Kate asked, a pained expression on her face.
Ron bent his head down, sitting on a chair, confused and angry.
"Ron, it's okay," Kate said as she placed a hand on his back, patting it gently.
Ron sighed, tears gathering in his eyes. Kate pulled him into a hug, whispering it was going to be okay over and over again.
Ron was distressed. Kate placed her hands on his cheeks, looking at him straight in his eyes.
"Let's go," Kate said as she smiled gently.

Ron looked at Kate, and then her lips. And then her again.
He didn't know what took over him, but it was probably emotions and anger. He was angry and devastated. Felt like he had nobody to trust. He pushed her against the wall and crashed his lips against hers. Kate was taken back, but she soon closed her eyes as her lips curled into a smile. His kiss was harsh, and Kate kissed him back harshly.

They broke apart after a while. Kate noticed tears strolling down Ron's cheeks. Ron turned around angrily and left the room. Kate sank down onto the floor, her fingers on her lips.

Ron was angry. At himself. He just realized what he had done. He held his tears as the team took off on their brooms towards the Qudditch tournament. Right then, an owl perched on the front of his broom. A note in it's beak.

'Trust me.'

He crumpled the paper and placed it in his pocket.

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