7-Qudditch Practice

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Ron sat on the bench right next to Hermione as he waited for Kate to come down.

"Hermione, it's freezing out here, especially with you in your pink thin sweater," Ron explained.

"I'm not going back in," she said stubbornly.

"You're going to catch a cold. I told you not to wear that hideous pink sweater," Ron groaned.

"It's not hideous," Hermione said as she glared at him.

"It's so thin. It's definitely not meant to be worn during end of October when it's beginning to get cold," Ron said.

Hermione sighed. She liked that pink sweater.

"Whatever, I'm not going in," she stuck her tongue out as Ron shook his head at her stubbornness.

"You call me thick, I call you stubborn," Ron muttered.

Right then, Kate came out with her broomstick. Her face hardened a little as she saw Hermione, but she smiled when she saw Ron. Ron messed Hermione's hair as he took off on his broom to get Kate.

"Ron, I swear I am going to kill you!!" Hermione yelled as she laughed.

As soon as Ron couldn't hear her, Hermione muttered that she wished she didn't wear that darn sweater. Like Ron mentioned, it definitely wasn't for winter. Maybe spring?

Her teeth clattered as she saw Ron greet Kate. When Ron turned to see her Hermione instantly stopped clattering her teeth and waved at him. Hermione swore she saw Ron smirk, but it was kinda far to conclude he was smirking. Ron and Kate began to fly around as Hermione watched the two of them carefully. Kate really was a beauty. Hermione sighed as she hugged herself tightly, trying to warm herself.

Ron saw Hermione hug herself tightly. He smiled as he looked at her.

'I told you so,' he thought.

"Ron?" Kate called.

"Sorry, I got distracted. What were you saying?" Ron looked back at an annoyed Kate.

Kate smiled however, and asked him questions.

"I'll be right back," Ron said after some time as he flew down quickly.

Hermione looked at him with a confused look.

"Ron, Kate's waiting for you. Where are your manners?" Hermione exclaimed.

No matter how much she hated Kate, she did not want to see Ron being impolite.

"Here, catch," Ron tossed her his scarf.

The scarf fell on her face as she yelped.

"Blimey, Ron," Hermione made a disgusted face as the scarf went in her mouth.

"It smells like weird," she added.

"Well, if I were you, I'd rather stay alive wearing a weird smelling scarf rather than freezing without the scarf," he snorted and flew off.

Hermione huffed as she tossed the scarf to the side. She looked at Ron, and then back at the scarf.

She groaned in frustration and then wore the scarf. She saw Ron smile up in the air, but she just stuck her tongue out at him. Her cheeks flushed from shyness. She was secretly thankful for the weird smelling scarf. She told him it smelled weird, but it just smelled like Ron. Freshly mowed grass. She smiled shyly as she looked down and began to read her book.
Kate looked at what had happened with amusement. She was definitely not the kind to become upset when things didn't go her way. Instead, it made her more determined to fix it right.
Kate smiled sweetly at Ron as he came back. Kate suggested, "Ron, I want to improve my speed on the broom. You know, just practicing is sort of boring, so why don't we play tag on the broom?"
Ron, who absolutely loved playing games, agreed.
"Sure, I'll run first,"
Ron smiled as he shot off; Ron flew pretty fast when he realized he should go a little easy on her.
Kate however, as mentioned, was an excellent player. She just wanted to spend time with Ron. She decided quickly whether she wanted to play the weak innocent girl or show him her real self. Kate bit her lips as she smiled and sped up slightly until she was right behind Ron.
Ron freaked out when he turned his head to see where she was.
"Ahhh!!" He yelped.
Kate giggled as she decreased her speed. Ron flew down to the ground and landed, abandoning his broom. He stood, his hands on the sides of his hips, breathing harshly.
"How did you get there so fast? Blimey, you gave me a heart attack," Ron muttered.
Kate giggled as she blushed.
(AN/ Honestly even if Kate seems like the antagonist,you have to think in her shoes. Bet you would do the same ;) right? Peace and love guys, no hate :D)
"It was just luck," Kate said.
Ron looked at her suspiciously but burst into laughter. Kate laughed with him as she tied her hair into a tighter bun.

Ron noticed a leaf in her hair and reached to pull it off.
"Leaf," he said as he pulled it out and smiled goofily.
Kate smiled as her face flushed. She waved it off by saying how hot she felt.

Hermione, however, was not liking the lovey dovey pink that was occurring. She waved at the two of them as she alerted them how the time was almost over. Kate and Ron told her they were coming, laughing like old friends.
Hermione noticed how Ron was being a gentleman and carried her broom for her. She felt conflicted. She wanted Ron to be a gentleman, but she didn't want him to be a gentleman towards other girls at the same time. Pressing mixed emotions, she headed towards them with a polite smile.

//sorry it's short. Next chapter is a little different.

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