9- A/N + Fight

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Hi!! If you're reading this, I would like to give you a bunch if hugs for reading this far.
Thank you so much!! I'm sorry most of my chapters are short, but I'll try to update often. I have studies and all and my finals is in a month where I live.
I might be busy for a while, but I will come back!! >:)
Thank you once again and please please comment. I would love to hear your opinions on characters and stuff.

Back to the story -----

Hermione was all warm and content with her book and cup of hot chocolate. Dressed in her comfortable and fluffy blue pajama pants and an oversized sweater, she read her book with a warm smile on her face in the couch.
Ron jogged down and plopped down on the couch next to her, making her spill a bit of the drink. She yelped as the hot liquid burned her skin and left an ugly stain. Ron however did not notice. Hermione felt slightly annoyed because the fresh and warm feeling just evaporated into the air instantly as the drink spilled. She was about to mention it to Ron, but decided to let it go.
Ron picked up a bag of chips the elves have left on the table counter. He opened it with a loud bam with his hands, surprising Hermione. Trying to ignore the sound of him munching the crispy chips loudly, Hermione tried to concentrate on her book, her content smile long gone.
Ron dropped some cheesy powder on Hermione's feet, making it itch. Hermione was beginning to get slightly ticked off as she suppressed her annoyed feelings. Next, Ron began to bounce a small ball on the floor, making a boink boink boink sound on the wooden floor. As Hermione opened her mouth, he stood up and went to the fireplace. Thinking he would leave, Hermione sighed as she read her book. She read the same line 22 times since Ron came in. He began to hum a weird melody Hermione had never heard before as he stomped clumsily across the common too.
Hermione shook her head as she grabbed a bunch of her hair and read the same like again. She was at the verge of exploding. Ron suddenly began to push the coffee table next to the couch with a loud dragging sound, accidentally dropping a flower pot in the process.

That. Was. It.

Hermione's anger exploded.
"Blimey, for Merlin's sake, Ron, quit it!!"
She yelled, glaring at Ron. Ron stood, dumbfounded as Hermione yelled at him. Hermione sighed, frustrated, as she read the same line again. Ron was now offended.
"What did I do?"
Hermione said as calmly as she could, "You're making all kinds of noises as you walk around, and it's extremely disturbing."
"I didn't say a word to you," Ron exclaimed, his hands in the air.
"I'm not talking about that. It's the weird, annoying sounds you make," Hermione said, frustrated.
"You could have asked me or told me that! I didn't know. Also, you didn't have to say it that way,"
"What way?"
"The way you're using right now, " Ron sighed, rolling his eyes.
Hermione tried to ignore him by reading the line again. This time she managed to read the next line.
"Stop ignoring me, Mione,"
She refused to reply.
"Don't you have to say something?"
"I have nothing to say to you,"
"Fine, be that way. I don't care. I don't have anything to say to you either. In fact, I don't feel like I'm going to have anything to do with you," Ron exploded and stomped up the stairs.

Hermione breathed heavily as she closed her book and stomped up her stairs.
'He's such a jerk. Merlin's beard, how is he so thick? He's so annoying,' she ranted on about him in her brain, crossed and annoyed.

Ron lay in his bed, extremely hurt.
'How can she yell at me like that? She's always telling me to be polite and look who's talking?' He sighed as he kicked his bed.

Both of them fell asleep right on their beds in the same position. They met in the common room the next morning, but ignored each other and stormed out, giving each other dirty glances here and then. Even in classes, they pulled their chairs as far as they could from each other. Ron was angry and decided he'll make Hermione pay. Hermione was annoyed and decided Ron will receive nothing from her. No words, no glances, no anything.

It was lunch, and both of them were used to eating together, however, since they were fighting, they separated each other. Ron sat with Kate and a group of girls while Hermione sat alone. Ron glanced at Hermione and began talking really loud and laughed as if the stupid jokes the girls were saying entertained him. Kate smiled shyly. She glanced at Hermione here and then. She realized something was wrong, but she wanted to live and enjoy the moment. Atleast for that day.

Hermione stuffed her mouth full of food. She slammed her wand into the table so she could eat more freely.

"Ladies, I need your wise opinions on this problem I have," Ron announced loudly.
"I entered an empty place where there was nobody except for one person, who was doing something. I didn't want to disturb, so I didn't even greet them and sat quietly. Since I had nothing to do, I walked around the room and ate stuff and all. Suddenly, the person yelled at me to shut up. What do you wise ladies think of this?"
Hermione suppressed her desire to glare at him and kept eating.
"Really, that happened?"
"That's so stupid. Why would that person to that?"
The girls are sided with Ron. Ron smiled victoriously. But Hermione refused to give him a glance so he talked louder.

Each word the girls said felt like bullets, but Ron's reaction was like a huge dagger that stabbed her multiple times. Biting her lips not to cry, she stopped eating. Covering her face with her hair so Ron couldn't see, she cried silently. She had never felt so lonely. She stood up and ran outside.

Ron saw Hermione run out. His first instincts told him to follow, but he had to remind himself that he was angry and at war. The girls also contributed by telling him to stay and gossiped about Hermione. Something felt wrong, but Ron chose his pride over Hermione.

Hermione walked over to the Forbidden Forest and cried silently. How could Ron do that? She was actually feeling bad about yelling at Ron and thought of apologizing after lunch, but Ron had gone to the girls.

Suddenly, she heard a growl from behind one of the trees. She reached for her wand,but it was gone. It was on the table. It was a wolf. She was so surprised, she couldn't even scream. She backed off, until the wolf pounced on her, she screamed, and she was blacked out.

She remembered hearing footsteps, but she was blacked out by the time the person came.

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