5- RAC

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Hermione and Ron began doing their homework together when Ron decided he was going to bed. He claimed he was extremely tired.
As soon as Ron was gone, a group of girls rushed towards Hermione.
"You have to help us!"
Girls began to squeal and giggle.
Hermione was puzzled. She raised her eyebrows when two girls came forward and handed her a large parchment.
"I am so jealous!"
"Tell us, how did you get super close with Ron Weasley?"
"What shampoo do you use? Your hair is really fabulous,"
"Was it your grades that attracted Harry Potter and Ron Weasley?"
Showered with millions of questions, Hermione backed off and waved them off.
"What is this all about?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to explain. We're R.A.C, which stands for Ron's Admirers Club, aka Ron's Secret Admirers,"
Hermione burst out laughing, but stopped when she realized the girls were serious.
"Excuse me, you're what?"
It amused Hermione to see how many girls were calling themselves admirers when before the war and all, nobody paid attention to a Weasley.
"We need your help,"
Hermione sighed. It was slightly annoying that girls were going crazy about her 'best friend' / sort of boyfriend especially when they didn't even know him properly.
"We are collecting information about him so we can actually get to 'know' him. We decided you were most eligible since you are his best friend,"
Hermione sighed again. They were trying to go the easy way. Getting to know Ron demanded going through all kinds of hardships and it took four years for him to finally like her. The girls were just getting information off her.
"Well, girls. I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you. Try finding another way, " Hermione said, as politely as she possibly could.
The girls grumbled as they all walked away, shooting annoyed glances at her.
"Who does she think she is?"
"They're not even dating,"
"She thinks she's so good,"
Hermione waved them off. She was a little hurt, but she comforted herself that these were nothing compared to during the war.
She turned around and found Kate staring coldly at her from afar. Their eyes met, and instead of turning away, Kate gave Hermione a bright smile that was could go against Lockhart's and win. Hermione nodded and turned away first. Kate was beginning to really get on her nerves.
Kate walked down and sat next to Hermione.
Hermione grunted a 'hi' back.
"I saw the little girls bother you. What was that about?"
'As if you don't know anything,' Hermione said to herself before pulling off a smile and said, "Oh, it was nothing. They wanted me to give them information about Ron."
Kate laughed girlishly as she said very clearly, " That's funny. You're not even dating him. Why would they ask you for information?"
Hermione felt like jinxing her or silencing her at least but allowed her to continue. Oh, yes. She was about to find out what this conversation was heading towards.
"Oh, right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot you guys were best friends. I thought you were closer to Harry Potter though? Didn't you and Ron fight when you guys were outside in the woods or something?"
"We did. However, I am equally as close to Ron as I am to Harry. Except the way we are close to each other is slightly different,"  Hermione spoke, her eyes glittering.
"We had a major fight and it was a bit awkward between us. But we made it up and became closer than ever, " Hermione said.
Hermione was about to add how they kissed in the Chamber and all to shut her up, but she realized it was too childish.
"Surprising. It always amused me how the three of you always hung out together, you know. Harry and Ron aren't exactly the nerdy studious type. They're in fact the opposite of you," Kate said, twirling her hair.
"Oh, well opposites attract," Hermione smiled as she began to doodle on her parchment.
Anger was bubbling in Hermione. Not only did she mock her relation with Ron, she was questioning her friendship with Harry and Ron.
"I'm from a pure blood family. I have never seen a muggle before. I have so many questions about them. Im pretty fascinated in muggles, just like Ron's family. Since you're a muggle-born, you could answer my questions. Are the muggles really like.. A little.. Slower, than our lot?"
"Actually, the muggles are much cleverer than magical folks. They are completely fine without magic and have created things that work as good as magic," Hermione answered.
'Fascinated by muggles,' Hermione thought angrily.
"That's surprising. I bet that they are still slower than us without all of our magic," Kate smiled.

Hermione didn't reply to Kate's dumb question.
"You seem like a great person, Hermione. You know what, I'll tell you a secret. I feel like I can trust you with it," Kate said as she leant forward to Hermione's ears and whispered.
"Did you know I had a crush on Ron since my first year? You have no idea how glad I was when he chose to return this year. Well, since youre his best friend and all, it would be really nice if you would, um, match me up? Good night, Hermione,"Kate giggled as she left.
Annoyed, Hermione stared at the back of Kate's head with a glare that could punch a home through Kate's head.

'So it is. Well, Kate, I am not planning to lose Ron, not especially to you,' Hermione told herself as she arranged her things and went to bed.

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