10 - Apology & Kisses

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Hermione woke up in Madam Pomfrey's nurse room. Her arm was bandaged.

"Ah, are you okay? Can you hear me, dear?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

Hermione winced as she got up. Her head was bandaged too.

"A wolf, honey. Thankfully a student saved you from the wolf and brought you here. You're fine now,"

"Who was it?"

"The student said she didn't want me to tell you,"

'She?' Hermione thought. Who could it be?

Ron came rushing in the room.


He yelled.

He had a panicked and alarmed look on his face. His face was as pale as the moon as he ran up and took her hand and checked her face.

"Are you okay? Blimey, what happened? I'm so sorry! I should have been there. This is all my fault,"

Hermione began to laugh. Ron was dead serious.

"I'm fine, Ron. I'm not dying,"

"You almost did!!"

After he said that, an awkward silence washed over them. Madam Pomfrey laughed as she closed their curtains and mumbled something about giving the love birds privacy. But she said sternly, "Only 5 minutes Mr Wealsey. She needs to rest." Hermione and Ron sat in awkward silence.

"I'm sorry," Hermione said.

"No. I'm sorry," Ron replied.

"I started this thing," she said louder than Ron's voice.

"I shouldn't have made all that racket," Ron said louder.

"I was wrong. I yelled at you. I should have never yelled," she said quickly.

"No. I did more wrongs. I shouldn't have sat with the other girls gossiping about you. I shouldn't have let you go, I should have followed you. This is all my fault. If you died,I would have killed myself. I'm so sorry, Hermio.." He did but he was cut off.

Hermione watched Ron as he apologized. His eyes staring into hers, his hand scratching his head. Without even thinking, she sat up and grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards her, kissing his lips.

Ron was shocked, but he didn't pull away. In fact, he was extremely happy. Butterflies were fluttering around madly in his stomach. He closed his eyes and pulled her in.

Their lips crashed and each second seemed like eternity. Hermione winced as her arm ached but she didn't want to pull away. After a few moments, they pulled away, staring at each other. They both blushed as they stammered awkwardly.

"Uhh.. Ron?" Hermione began but Ron smiled and waved her off.

"Whatever," he said as he went in for another kiss.

Right that moment, the curtains slid open. They pulled away, but the person already saw everything. It was Madam Pomfrey and Kate.

"You have a guest, Ms Grang..Oh?" Madam Pomfrey frowned.

Kate stared at both of them, shocked. She looked down at the ground as she gave Hermione her wand and went off without a word.

Hermione was feeling extremely guilty now.

"Why does she have my wand?" Hermione asked, trying to break the mood.

"Oh, don't you know? She's the one that saved your life," Ron replied.

Hermione was now feeling gratitude, guilty, and all kinds of emotions at the same time.

"You left your wand, so she volunteered to follow after you, and saw you and the wolf. She instantly chased and jinxed the wolf and carried you all the way here. She's also the one who told me this morning about you,"

Many thoughts passed by. Kate told Ron this morning?

That part was weird, but Hermione literally owned her life to Kate.

Hermione could resume her classes three days later. She found Kate in the hallways.

"Kate, can we talk?"

Kate shrugged and followed Hermione outside.

"I heard that you saved my life," Hermione said as she talked about how thankful and grateful she was sincerely.

Kate finally spoke after her with a sorrowful face.

"To be honest with you, I almost didn't save you,"

Hermione was now confused.


"Right after I jinxed the wolf,I was conflicted. I didn't have to save you. I was always jealous and envious of you anyways," Kate continued.

"I actually do still don't like you. Anyways, I chose to save you since it wasn't playing fair if I comforted and dated Ron after you died. I didn't tell Ron anything until you woke up because I knew once he knew you were hurt, he would go to you and forget all about me. I didn't want him to. So I kept him and told me this morning,"

Hermione nodded an awkward 'okay', not knowing what else to say. Kate smirked.

"I think I can sort of see why the Sorting Hat placed you in Gryffindor, not Slytherin," Hermione gave Kate a lopsided smile.

" Thanks. I'm glad you told me I do belong in Gryffindor," Kate smiled.

Hermione held out her hand towards Kate. Kate shook it, but she added, "I'm glad you're fine. But no mercy. I haven't given up.. yet."

Hermione laughed as she waved and ran back towards Ron.

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