18- Finding Truth

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Ron walked out the door to the dormitory the next morning when he met Hermione.
They nodded at each other as each headed their own ways. His hands in his pockets, he whistled as he walked down the stairs to the Great Hall. Last nights memories came flooding him, making him pause. He turned around, his brain trying to decide whether he should go look for the 'answers' she mentioned. But, he decided she was just... Odd. He turned back around as he went to Kate.
He saw Kate talking with her group of friends. Quietly sneaking up behind the pole, hid his body, intending to surprise Kate.
"I think Hermione already figured it out though," Kate's voice rang.
"Already? I mean, yes, she is the 'brightest witch of our age'," her friend said.
"Well, I mean, if Ron remembers everything, than what am I suppose to do?" Kate sighed, frustrated.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked, not able to resist his curiosity further more.
Kate and her friends stared in shock as Ron appeared out of nowhere.
"Kate, what do you mean 'remember'?" Ron asked, confused.
Kate whispered to her friends, and her friends left the place.
"Oh, Ron. Don't worry. It's nothing bad," she tried to smile, reaching for his hands.
"No," he snatched his hand back, "I have a right to know if I'm included in this matter."
Flashing her gorgeous white teeth at him, she smiled gently as she walked into his arms.
"Come on, Ron. I love you. I wouldn't do anything bad to you. Trust me," she whispered, placing his hands on her waist.
Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his head. This time, it didn't go away.
He groaned, a vivid image of a crumpled note appeared in his head, in very familiar handwriting, that belonged to Hermione. The pain stopped as he opened his eyes.
"Hermione," he whispered, as he began running.
"Ron?" Kate yelled after him, running after him.

Hermione was reading alone in the library, in her usual sit. She was flipping to the next page about potions when she heard loud footsteps.
People hissed and shushed at the person who caused the racket. Looking up from her book, she found Ron, breathing heavily as he looked into her eyes.
The way he looked into her eyes made Hermione's usually active brain pause for a second as she stared back into his eyes.
He took a breath as he grasped Hermione's thin wrists as he pulled her toughly behind him.
"Ron," she hissed, noticing other's glares, "what on earth do you think you're doing?"
He pulled her out the library as they headed to a quiet place. Crossing her arms, she raised her brows at him.
"You were there," he said randomly.
"Where?" Hermione asked, confused.
"I remember you. Your note," he said.
He reached into his pocket, trying to find the crumpled note, but it wasn't there. He swore under his breath as he looked desperately at Hermione.
"Before I came back, I received a note from you," he explained.
Hermione's eyes lit up as she looked at Ron, a smile appearing at the corners of her lips.
"Really?" She smiled, walking closer to Ron.
Ron nodded his head as he opened his mouth to explain further on. However, Hermione hugged him tightly without saying a word, surprising him. He was about to push her out when he heard a sniffle behind him.
"Don't say anything, please. Just for a while," a muffled voice said quietly behind him.
Ron's hands awkwardly roamed in the air not knowing where to land. He gave up and placed them at his sides.

They sat at the benches in the hallways. Hermione was holding a pencil and a notebook as Ron explained.
"And that is it. That's all I know so far," he said.
Hermione nodded as she scribbled down notes.
"So.. I do know you," Ron said, breaking the silence.
Hermione looked up as she rolled her eyes.
"I've told you this several times," she said, laughing slightly.
"Sorry," he grumbled, "I obviously can't remember anything. Honestly, how am I supposed to trust a 'stranger' who claims to know me with just a single memory I don't even know if it's true or not."
Hermione nodded.
"Do you want to know what happened to you?" She asked carefully.
"Obviously. What do you think I'm here for?" Ron said, rolling his eyes.

"Kate used this potion that changes your personality. She added some memory potion that completely wiped your memory of my existence," Hermione shrugged.
"I didn't know that potion even existed," Ron interrupted.
Clearing her throat, she continued, "Even though you may not realize, your personality has changed. It's not a huge change, but it's subtle. Your memory.."
"What changed? I'm completely normal," Ron snorted.
"If you're going to interrupt me every sentence, just find out the answers yourself," Hermione sighed annoyed.
"Blimey, you're so impatient. So you think you're Miss Know-It-All?" Ron said.
A smiled appeared slightly on her face and faded away.
"Why are you smiling? I just insulted you. It was an insult, just to make it clear," Ron explained.
"Nothing. For a second, I thought it was the real you," Hermione smiled.
Staring blankly at Hermione, Ron shrugged as he sank into the bench, listening to Hermione as she talked.

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