14- Krum

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The tournament began, and people were cheering. Kate sat two seats away from Ron, eyeing him carefully. Ron was blank, staring at the floor.
"We have a special guest from far away. Please welcome, Mr. VIKTOR KRUM!!" The announcer boomed.
Ron's eyes flicked open as he saw Krum, waving at his fans as the girls screamed. He sighed angrily. He glared at Krum, holding his broom tightly.
Krum's eyes fell on him. Krum paused, as he nodded. Ron, ignored him and turned around.

Their match began, people cheering. Krum was sitting in the front row, along with the high people and the host of this match. Ron stood flew around, his eyes never falling off Krum. He kept missing, and they were losing badly.
Kate flew to Ron, yelling, "Ron, keep your eyes on the ball!!"
Something clicked in Ron. He ignored Kate and flew directly to the front row. Kate yelled behind him.

"Von!" Krum exclaimed, surprised.
"Is it true?" Ron asked.
"Vhat? I can't heer you! How is Her-mee-oohny?" He asked, smiling.
"Do you still like Hermione?" Ron yelled over the cheering of the crowd.
"No! She haz said no. I haz been rejected," Krum smirked.
"What?" Ron asked, confused.
"She lovez you very much. Be nice to her for me. Or I'm really having another go!" Krum said.
Ron stared blankly at Krum. Suddenly, Krum yelled at him, jumping up. Everybody yelled. Ron looked back instantly.
That moment, a full speed Bludger hit him hard on his chest, falling him to fall off his broom. The last thing he heard as he fell was Kate's scream, and he was out.

Ron woke up with a sharp pain on his chest. He winced as he moved.m
"Stop moving," a muffled voice said.
Surprised, he turned his head. Kate, with a very swollen face, greeted him. She seemed to be crying because her eyes were swollen and her nose red.
"What happened?" Ron asked, wincing.
"You fell off your broom after the hit. Few broken ribs, a broken leg, fractured hip, and a badly fractured arm. You're really lucky one of the other team caught you before you hit the ground head first," she sniffed.
Ron looked at his self. He was bandaged like a mummy.
"I thought you were going to die," she wailed, tears flowing down her cheeks.
Ron was extremely surprised as he awkwardly tried to comfort her.
"Uh..it's okay. I'm still alive. I'm fine," Ron said as he tried to pat her head awkwardly with his bandaged arm.
"We brought you to the nearest hospital and healed you, but then your bones are still weak and you can't play or move around too much. Your arm is almost healed, but your hip isn't so good," she sniffed as she blew her nose.

Ron lay back down, covering his eyes with his good arm.
"They said they are sending you back to Hogwarts if you want to," Kate said.
"Are you going to go?" She asked.
"I don't know. I'll just see how I'm doing," he said as he turned around.
He took out the note in his pocket.
'Trust me'
He sighed with frustration as he covered himself with the sheets. Kate stared at his figure. She saw a glimpse of his paper as she left.
Ron sighed. He was a terrible person. Just because he thought Hermione was cheating on him with the guy he pretty much didn't like, he kissed another girl who was friends, or atleast he thought so, with both of them. Now he lost both of his best friends.
He closed his eyes, not knowing what else to do, trying to get some sleep. Sleep always made him feel better. Food would do the trick almost instantly, but he had no food.

As soon as Kate heard Ron breathe, snoring softly. She crept back into the hospital room and sat by him. She smiled as she brushed his ginger red hair away from his eyes. Her fingers gingerly brushed his cheeks until they reached his soft lips. She blushed as she thought of her kiss. It was her very first kiss. Smiling shyly, she observed him for a while until she reached his pocket. Her smile faded away as she pulled out the crumpled piece of paper.
'Trust me'
It read in messy scribbled cursive that obviously belonged to Hermione. Kate jumped when Ron suddenly moved around. Noticing he was asleep, she calmed her heart down and was pulling the sheets to cover him when he began to murmur,
"Hermione....." He began to smile goofily in his sleep.
Mumbling her name a few more times, he fell silent, leaving Kate staring at the note held in her hands sadly. She crumpled the note as she tossed it on the floor as she headed out.

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