Chapter 1

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"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason." -Unknown

Dean Winchester's Point of View

Dean hated hospitals.

He always felt a chilly vibe there. People have died in the rooms he walked past, people have had terrifying diseases, some that Dean had no acknowledge about. He despised the scent of it too, it may smell like cleaning supplies to others, but to Dean, it reeked of death.

He didn't plan to ever go to a hospital, since he just disliked it so much, but his grandmother was ill, really ill. He would've felt like a complete asswipe if he would not visit her.

However, Dean didn't mean to walk into the wrong room.

The numbers were blurred up, the cheap old hospital was suppositivally too broke to repair anything, not even a small room number plate. The 4 looked like a 9, so obviously Dean was meant to get confused while trying to see his sweet old grandmother.

He even cleared out his work schedule down in Bobby's shop, luckily, Bobby was a kind man, he wasn't an asshole like his last boss from his last job.

Dean finished college, due to Sammy's orders. Dean wanted to make his brother proud, so he stayed through college and barely passed.

It was all for nothing in the end, just for Dean to switch jobs every month.

He paced into the room, prepared to find a white haired elder with tubes in her nostrils, but found, a black haired boy with blue eyes framed by thin glasses, he was laying against the bed, eyes wide at him, like a deer when they see a hunter.

"Hello." He greeted, his voice was rough, as if it was rubbed against a cheese grinder.

"Hello," Dean responded, "I'm in the wrong room."

"Well, I've never seen you in my life so yeah, you're in the wrong room." The boy joked, offering a wide smile, his dark ocean eyes crinkled by his warm grin. He didn't look sick, he seemed healthy, but Dean felt a certain presence, he knew that the boy wasn't okay.

Dean laughed awkwardly, shaking his head slightly, "Sorry," he turned around, opening the door, but then he was stopped by the boy's voice.

"You don't mind writing on my board right?"

Dean flipped around, knitting his brows, puzzled at what the boy said.

"What?" He questioned.

"My board of names." The boy replied, pointing his head to the board underneath the T.V.

There was a pain chart next to the white board, with various facile expressions, from a grinning face to a sobbing one. The boy's pain seemed to be none, circled right on the happy face.

There were names written in blue marker on the large board.






And countless more.

"Believe it or not, you aren't the only one who walked into the wrong room." The boy said, "I look at these names and tell myself, that I'm not ever really alone, even though it sometimes feels like it. There's about 7 billion people in the world, with all different lives and different problems. I'm never honestly by myself. There's 50 names up there, and I only know 3 people."

Dean took ahold of what the man said, he was right, people are never truly by themselves on this wide planet.

He picked up the marker and scribbled his name in small letters. The smell of the Expo marker lingered in the air, blending in with the familiar scent Dean hated. Death.

"You expect me to have superman vision?" The boy asked sarcastically, smiling.

Dean offered a small smile at the man, erasing his name with the sleeve of his sweater and rewriting it in bigger letters.

"Dean." The boy stated.

"Whats yours?" Dean questioned, placing down the marker.



"Eh, mom wanted something different." Dean remained quiet. He wasn't a shy person, he just didn't like to talk to people in hospitals. He didn't want to have a friend in a hospital room. "Well, nice meeting you Dean," Castiel responded after a moment of silence.

"Nice meeting you Castiel, and sorry for coming in."

"No, don't be, every name on that board helps me get through the day."

Dean gave him a small smile, before walking out.

Hey readers! ^•^

Did you guys like the first chapter ???

I really hope you all did! :3

I'll update soon, stay tuned! :D

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