"Oh, no. Don't tell me I put you in trouble," she said after dropping her hands. "Please tell me you called her or something."

I shook my head, and she smacked my arm, making me hiss and glare at her. She had a reprimanding look on her face before she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Call her already! If you want, I could speak to her too. Jeez, I feel so bad now. I don't want to be the reason two people break up."

I laughed at the sullen look that filled her face. Her cheeks were blushed up and her eyes darted here and there. She was a comical character.

"Hey, you don't need to feel guilty. I will speak to her."

Maddie nodded. "Good. Just let me know what she says. Oh, can I see her? Is she on social media? You should give me her social media handles, especially Instagram."

She was weird but funny. I shrugged and took out my phone then opened my Instagram app then clicked on her account that popped up on my timeline. I smiled when I saw she had posted her a picture of the moon. Before I knew it, Maddie took the phone from me and started scrolling through.

Jackie barely posted her face but had a few pictures of her. Her most recent ones were from our vacation. I watched Maddie scroll through her feed, muttering and humming in appreciation.

"She is so pretty. Of course, a pretty guy like you would have a pretty girl like her. Aww, she also loves the same band that I do."

I looked away from the weird girl and went over to my window. I leaned on the frame and began to think of my next plot. I had to get every type of leverage to overthrow Henry. I needed to know every shady business he did and everything that would lead to the removal of him from the seat, coupled with getting the board on my side. I knew nothing of the business world but as far as I had trustworthy people with me, I felt that I would succeed.

"Oh. Someone is calling you, Lucas."

I turned around to face Maddie. She was holding out my phone and I mentally hoped it was Jackie calling. I took the phone from her and turned it over. I blinked at the caller identity.

Mom was calling for the first time since I left Redside.

The sight of her call made an idea cross my mind. I needed one last familial closure before I ruined her husband.

| | |

A few hours later, I was at Redside. I was feeling jet-lagged but with the determination in me to get what I needed, I went home. The streets of Redside were still the same. Nothing had changed and when the driver of the ride I ordered drove past Redside High, a feeling of nostalgia filled me. Memories of my time in the school flooded my mind. Both the good and bad memories.

When the driver drove past the street that led to Maddy's home, an eerie feeling filled me. Just thinking of my memories with Maddy made me feel uncomfortable.

Some minutes later, we arrived at my family house. It felt dead looking at it. There were no signs of anyone. The front yard was quiet, the bushes had grown but was trimmed. I paid the driver and got out then made my way toward the house.

Once I got to the door, I reached out my hand to grab the handle only to leave it hanging when I heard voices coming from the house. The voices were filled with anger and had a high pitch to it. I recognized my mother's voice but not the other. I held the door handle and pushed it open.

I saw my mother first who was facing a man that backed me. She saw me and her eyes widened before looking back at the man with fear in her eyes. I looked to the man and noticed his shoulders were raised and tensed.

"Lucas, what are you doing here?" She asked, her voice shaky.

Ruth rushed down the stairs, singing out loud with her ears clogged with her ear-pods. When she raised her eyes, she stopped.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

Dad? Wasn't he back at Rochester?

I looked back at the man who waved his hand then made his way toward Ruth. I watched him climb the steps and when I looked back at my mother, she was visibly shaken and pale.

"Mom? What is it?" I approached her and when I noticed a dark bruise right by her jawline, I saw red.

I glared at the man climbing the steps then ran after him. I pushed Ruth out of the way, then climbed the steps. I watched him turn around and when he fully did, I made my hand into a fist and punched him right in the face, sending him falling to the steps. He clutched his face with his hands, groaning.

"Lucas?!" I heard mom shout behind me.

I was livid, angry and seeing red. I still saw her as my mother, but Henry was a plague to me. If he was hitting her, I would kill him.

"You have stooped so low, you sorry excuse for a fucking man!" I yelled and raised my fist to hit him again, only for me to freeze when he removed his hands, making see his face.

No way. This had to be a fucking dream. The man before me had to be an illusion.

"Dad?" I said in horror.

A/N: Le gasp.

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