Tickle-Tac-Toe (Dream x George x Sapnap)

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     Sapnap was pissed and it was seriously funny. George just couldn't stop giggling.
"I hate you guys!! What is wrong with you!!", he yelled, face red and eyes wide. George leaned his body weight into Dream and giggled harder.
"We are just going to play a little game.", Dream smiled and brushed his fingers down Sapnap's bare feet. They twitched on top of the pillow they were perched on. Sapnap averted his gaze at the wording, huffing loudly.
"But, not my feet...", Sapnap whined and dropped his head back against the couch.

     Sapnap had been walking around the house for a bit looking for either of his friends today. He looked in their rooms and called their names to find nothing. They had been waiting in the living room to ambush him with ropes. Now, he writhed in a flustering mix of anger and fear.

     He never let anyone near his feet because of how devastatingly ticklish they were. But here he was; ankles tied together and perched up on a pillow on the coffee table. His wrists twisted helplessly against each other in their own ropes tied behind his back. He dropped his head back against the couch he was sat on. Oh, he was so fucked.

     George's evil little giggles started to calm and he held up a pen. Sapnap's toes curled up at the sight.
"No...", he whimpered. Dream flashed a grin and held up his own pen.
"If George wins, we free you. If I win, we continue. Ready?".
"No!", Sapnap shouted. His mind fuddled in confusion at what 'win' would even mean in that context.

     Sapnap's scream pierced the air suddenly as Dream grabbed his ankle and the tip of a pen started drawing a line down the ball of his foot. Four torturous lines.
"Please please please!!!", he begged frantically, desperate laughter pouring from him. By the end, he was already in tears.
"How is he going to survive this?", George laughed.
"You gotta calm down buddy. If you distract George how is he going to win?", Dream grinned in amusement. Sapnap was starting to slide down the couch.
"I can't take this, please.", he whined through his giggles. He looked wrecked already. "What are you doing?".
"Tic-Tac-Toe.", George said and grabbed the ankle again. "I'm X.". Sapnap cried out and tried to pull away, to no avail. George carefully drew a shaky X right in the middle of the Tic-Tac-Toe board on Sapnap's ticklish foot. The younger screeched with laughter the entire time. "Tickle-Tac-Toe.", he mumbled in amusement. His word association was barely audible over Sapnap's noise.
"Fuck you guys!!!". Dream's hand took George's place and he started drawing a little circle in the middle left spot on the board. Sapnap snorted loudly before flopping back against the couch, laughing hysterically. George grabbed the ankle fast, eager to start his turn before Sapnap could recover. A shaky X was drawn in the top middle of the board and then traced over and over as Sapnap screamed with laughter. His face was beet-red as he slid fully down the couch and landed on his side, squirming frantically. He was trapped though, nowhere to go. His wrists were tied firmly behind his back. His feet turned on their sides due to his new position, but it didn't phase Dream.
"Hmmm. Where should I go?", he teased.

     Sapnap gasped for air dramatically, but wasn't able to recover before Dream was drawing a circle in the bottom middle spot. Desperate laughter ripped from his throat. Sapnap turned his head into the couch and muffled it in embarrassment, but George giggled.
"Oh no Stinknap, it's not looking good!", he said through his giggles. Dream grinned evilly as he traced the little circle a few more times and earned himself another snort.
"Ticklish little piggy.", he murmured in amusement. Sapnap whined at the nickname. George grabbed the ankle and started drawing an X into the bottom right of the board, practically sealing the impending tie. Sapnap squirmed against the couch, laughter becoming squeaky. He hadn't stopped since the third move and wasn't sure how he would survive.
"How are you not done!!!", he yelled. The other two laughed. George passed Dream back the foot.
"Don't distract George, he's doing a really bad job because of you!". Sapnap jolted and shrieked when Dream's pen touched down in the top left spot and started making a circle.
"Stop!!!", he screamed. He threw his head back and cackled loudly.
"Oh no, where should I go Sappy?", George asked with a drawn out teasing tone.
"How are there even still spots?", he whined through his laughter. It truly felt like they had been tickling him for ten rounds of the game, but they were only halfway through one.
"Bottom left? Okay, I can do that.", he laughed. He grabbed the ankle again and started drawing the X quickly and darkening it with multiple layers. Sapnap squealed and squeezed his eyes shut. The helpless laughter overtook him. He went limp under the ticklish torture.

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