Backseat Princess (Dream x George x Sapnap)

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     Dream's hand slapped over George's mouth to muffle his insane screaming, but it was still incredibly loud. The boy was wide-eyed and frantic, squirming desperately in Dream's arms as he was carried back out into the garage. Sapnap laughed giddily as he followed. He quickly pulled open the  backdoor of the car for Dream and skidded to the other side. George thrashed as he tried as hard as he could to not be shoved into the back of the car.

     But, it wasn't enough.

     Just minutes earlier, Sapnap had walked in on Dream tickling George to pieces on the couch. It was all too cute and endearing for Sapnap to ignore. Dream held down a flustered and frantic George as he relayed the tale of tickling his thigh while he was locked against his seat with the seatbelt.
"Aw, I wish I'd been there. Can I see?", Sapnap had said.

     So now...

     George's screams died in his throat as both backseat doors slammed shut. He jolted at the panic that swept through him about being trapped with the two tickle monsters. He pushed himself up, but large hands grabbed his small waist and pressed him back in his seat easily. Dream held him in place as Sapnap buckled the lap band across him. George yelped.
"Wait! Fuck, wait!!!". The other two just laughed as they sat back and watched him squirm.

     George was sat in the middle of the backseat. His arms were loose, but the tight seatbelt across his lap had him locked in place. Inside; a sea of emotions started to fill him. Excitement foamed at the top of every single one. The rising tides of fear, embarrassment, and anger. He squirmed with the energy of it and his face warmed...burned with the pressure and heat. Nowhere to go. He squirmed in place, but he couldn't shake the knowing looks.
"What's wrong Georgie?", Sapnap sang.
"Shut up!!", he snapped, beyond flustered. Dream and Sapnap laughed.

     George tried to unbuckle himself, but his hands got batted away every time.
"Ready to see how bad his thighs are?".
"No!". The answers came simultaneously. George screeched as Dream latched onto his sensitive bare thigh again, right above his knee. "No! Oh god, Dream please!". He grabbed hold of his wrist, but it was too late. With three quick squeezes he was thrown back into his seat, squealing.
"Wow!", Sapnap laughed. "Here, lemme try!".
"No, I'm going to kill you!!". George quickly got his wrists snatched by Dream and he whined as Sapnap's grabby hand neared his thigh.

     So, while Dream's big hands that covered up his spots with no problems tickled badly, Sapnap was rough. When he handled George there was no care put in to make sure he didn't hurt the boy. And it didn't hurt. The rougher touch made things so much worse. Sapnap latched onto the sensitive muscles of his thighs and massaged into them brutally. George twisted and shoved his face into Dream, screaming. The two watched in glee as the ticklish boy quickly fell into chaotic cackling and thrashed in the seat. He jolted and squirmed wildly, but was held in place by the tight belt around his hips. While he wanted to punch Sapnap or pry his devilish hands away from his thigh, Dream held his wrists tight.

     The two looked at each other over him in amusement.
"He's so fucking loud!", Sapnap laughed. Dream nodded as he released the trapped wrists.
"Like this, right above the knee.", Dream instructed. George screeched and shoved against both of them as Dream latched on to the muscle. Sapnap copied the movement and George was thrown into a frenzy. Tears streamed down his red cheeks as he slapped at the offending hands. Helpless, so helpless.
"Please!!!", his begging came fast. Shrieks tore through his laughter as he flopped against the back of the seat. "You have to stop!!". The belt around his lap held him firmly.
"He's so ticklish!", Sapnap giggled.

     George twisted and started to try and unbuckle the seatbelt. In an instant, large hands engulfed his waist. Unbearable tickling had him twisting and crying out, so very trapped. He wailed with laughter.
"Ah ah ah.", Dream warned.
"Where ya going Georgie? You're trapped!". George whined and stomped his feet in frustration against the floor of the car. "We gotcha!!", Sapnap exclaimed, suddenly tasering his fingers into his sides to make him shriek.

     "I'm sorry!". George hiccuped and flopped his head down helplessly on to Sapnap, wracked with giggles. Dream coo'ed at the sight, wiggling a finger into his side to make the giggles more frantic. The boy was like a live-wire, jolting between them.

     It became a terrible game. George would try and unbuckle himself, just to get tickled until he overflowed with desperate apologies and begging that brought no relief.

     George started to feel like a toy. The other two giggled as they spoke above him.
"Look, this worked really well. Try here!", Sapnap demonstrated a certain way he grabbed his waist to make him squeal. Dream copied, pulling out  a more high pitched squeal as he covered more ground.

     Tickled silly was the best way to describe it. George was flushed and dizzy with his hair ruffled and eyelashes wet with tears. At some point, he had given in. He just squirmed and laughed, trapped between his two best friends as they taught each other how to take him apart piece by piece. What else could he do? No more pleas for mercy left his lips, he just fought back weakly as the tickling wiped his mind clean.

     It was the location choice that finally gave the boy his escape. All three were a mess. George being the worst. While the heat of the car wasn't overwhelming, it did coat them with a thin layer of sweat. Dream started to worry about the air quality of the car as George gasped greedily for it.

     Tickles slowed down to bring the frenzied boy down to giggles. Soon enough, Sapnap unbuckled the lap belt and the boy flopped weakly into Dream's arms.

     It took some strange maneuvering, but eventually Dream was walking through the house with an exhausted George slung over shoulder while Sapnap trailed behind, teasing him.
"Gogy."; he coo'ed, ruffling his sweaty hair. George growled tiredly.

     The pool had never felt so good. George definitely hadn't been ready to be tossed in, but he actually couldn't complain as the cold shock of the water soothed him. He popped up with a gasp, just to shriek as the other two jumped in after him.

     George yelled half-heartedly at the two for his torture, cheeks pink. He was met with only eye rolls and scoffs, the other two exchanging flustering knowing looks. He threw himself at Sapnap and dragged him down, launching all three into an all out aquatic tickle war. Neither seemed nearly as tough as the same tickles they doled out earlier had them squealing. All three refused to leave the pool until they were all on the same playing field again.

     A new deal was struck with the resident passenger princess. Or rather, a new rule was created. The boys would continue to drive George around wherever he wanted, but now there was a fee. The flustered boy was informed his ticklish thighs would now and forever be in danger when he picked shotgun.
"Dream, teach me how to drive!", he begged through a flurry of giggles.

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